php - Magento - 从订单中获取价格规则

标签 php magento


我知道我可以通过 getDiscountPercent() 方法从订单商品中获取折扣百分比,但我如何才能获取应用于整个订单的所有规则?

例如,我有一个规则“客户组 X 在商店中的所有商品都可享受 20% 的折扣”。




查看 sales_flat_order_item 表。有一个名为 applied_rule_ids 的字段,它将为您提供应用于该项目的规则的 ID。您还可以在此表中找到应用了多少折扣和百分比。


//The order I want to check
    $order_id = 859;

    //Get the list of items for your order
    $items = Mage::getModel('sales/order_item')

    //loop through each item
    foreach($items as $item){

        //if the item has not had a rule applied to it skip it
        if($item->getAppliedRuleIds() == '')continue;

        * I cant remember in the database they might be comma separated or space if multiple rules were applied
        * the getAppliedRuleIds() function is the one you want
        foreach(explode(",",$item->getAppliedRuleIds()) as $ruleID){        

            //Load the rule object
            $rule = Mage::getModel('catalogrule/rule')->load($ruleID);

            // Throw out some information like the rule name what product it was applied to

            echo "<p>".$item->getSku()." had rule ".$rule->getName()."(".$item->getAppliedRuleIds().") applied </p>";


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