ios - 如何使用解析添加两个PFquery数据的对象?

标签 ios parse-platform pfquery


NSPredicate *predicate12=[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"((UserFriendId == %@ )AND (UserId!=%@)) OR ((UserFriendId != %@ )AND (UserId==%@)) ",@"Nwk44aeSrz",@"Nwk44aeSrz",@"Nwk44aeSrz",@"Nwk44aeSrz"];
PFQuery *innerQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"FriendsDetails" predicate:predicate12];
[innerQuery whereKey:@"BlockStatus" equalTo:@"No"];
PFQuery * userQuery = [PFUser query];

[userQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesKey:@"UserFriendId" inQuery:innerQuery];
[userQuery whereKey:@"objectId" matchesKey:@"UserId" inQuery:innerQuery];

[userQuery whereKey:@"objectId" notEqualTo:@"Nwk44aeSrz"];

请帮我 。




// get your user
PFUser * userForQuery; // set up your user for the query, if it's current user, = [PFUser currentUser];

// first part of predicate
PFQuery * innerQueryA = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"FriendsDetails"];
[innerQueryA whereKey:@"UserFriend" equalTo:userForQuery]; // from  @"UserFriendId"
[innerQueryA whereKey:@"User" notEqualTo:userForQuery]; // from @"UserId"

// second part of predicate
PFQuery * innerQueryB = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"FriendsDetails"];
[innerQueryB whereKey:@"userFriend" notEqualTo:userForQuery]; // from @"UserFriendId"
[innerQueryB whereKey:@"user" equalTo:userForQuery]; // from @"UserId"

// combine
PFQuery * query = [PFQuery orQueryWithSubqueries:@[innerQueryA, innerQueryB]];
[query whereKey:@"BlockStatus" equalTo:@"No"];

// Now, as you remember, we are storing a pointer in @"User" as opposed to an id @"UserId" as you had it. Because of     
// this, we will use parse's includeKey: feature.

[query includeKey:@"User"]; // tells the query to include the data associated with these keys;

NSMutableArray * usersRetrieved = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
    if (!error) {    
        // objects will contain all of your objects
        for (PFObject * object in objects) {
            [usersRetrieved addObject:object[@"User"]]; // all the data should be available for the @"User" object

        // objects will contain all the @"friendDetails" objects
        // usersRetrieved will contain all the @"User" objects
    else {


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