ios - dyld : Library not loaded: code signature invalid

标签 ios swift iphone xcode

我正在尝试构建和运行一个使用 AVFoundation 框架的应用程序......
我构建成功,但是当我从 Xcode 重新运行它时应用程序崩溃并出现以下错误:

> dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftAVFoundation.dylib
Referenced from : /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B9B93BB2-F55E-4DAE-A720-0F2D22A47278/
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:

>code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B9B93BB2-F55E-4DAE-A720-0F2D22A47278/'

> lldb
enter image description here
  1. Clean, build and run an application

  1. Set "Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries" to "Yes" under the Build Settings > Build Options

  1. Restart Xcode

  1. Restart the phone

  1. Reinstall the Xcode

  1. Testing other simple application on my iPhone ( App contains just a print function )

Note: That the test app works fine on the simulator but on my iPhone it gives the same error

enter image description here


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首先,确保您有一个有效且活跃的开发人员帐户登录到 Xcode 下:

Xcode | Preferences | Accounts 


其次,确保在 Preferences | 下指定的帐户帐户与您在以下项目中选择的项目目标相匹配:
<TargetName> | Signing & Capabilities

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