ios - Swift 中的泛型和 ViewModel

标签 ios swift generics

我正在尝试使用泛型简化以下代码。除了对 ChildViewOne、ChildViewTwo 和 ChildViewThree 中的每个类型进行条件解包之外,我可以使用泛型实现相同的效果吗?

struct UserInfo {
  let name: String
  let image: UIImage

enum SomeType {
  case typeOne
  case typeTwo
  case typeThree

struct ParentViewModel {
   let userInfo: UserInfo
   let type: SomeType

   var contentViewModel: Any {
    switch type {
      case .typeOne:
           return ChildViewModelOne(name:, type: type)
      case .typeTwo:
           return ChildViewModelTwo(image: userInfo.image, type: type)
      case .typeThree:
           return ChildViewModelThree(image: userInfo.image)

struct ChildViewModelOne {
  let name: String
  let type: SomeType

struct ChildViewModelTwo {
  let image: UIImage
  let type: SomeType

struct ChildViewModelThree {
  let image: UIImage

ParentViewController 将被注入(inject) ParentViewModel。
class ParentViewController: UIViewController {
  let viewModel: ParentViewModel

  init(viewModel: ParentViewModel) {
    self.viewModel = viewModel
    super.init(bundle: nil, frame: nil)

  // other required initializer

  func configureViewForType() {
     // Logic to handle subviews - ChildViewOne, ChildViewTwo & ChildViewThree

我介绍了一个协议(protocol) ConfigurableView
protocol ConfigurableView {
    associatedtype ViewModel
    func configure(model: ViewModel)

class ChildViewOne: UIView, ConfigurableView {
    func configure(model: ChildViewModelOne) {


    typealias ViewModel = ChildViewModelOne


如何从 ParentViewModel 将其返回为 contentViewModel ParentViewModel 中的对象? contentViewModelfunc configureViewForType() 调用里面 ParentViewController其中基于 type ParentViewModel 中的值,我加载了正确的 ChildView


View 模型实际上不是“ View 模型”。这个想法很普遍,因为并非所有语言都有嵌套类型。相反,它是 View.Model .

class ChildViewOne: UIView {
  struct Model {
    let name: String

  init?(model: Model, coder: NSCoder) {
    self.model = model
    super.init(coder: coder)

  private let model: Model

  required init?(coder _: NSCoder) {
    fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

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