ios - 如何返回实现另一个协议(protocol)的泛型类型

标签 ios swift swift-protocols urlsession


protocol HTTPClientTask {
    func cancel()
protocol HTTPClient {
    func execute(_ request: URLRequest, _ completion: @escaping (Result<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data), Error>) -> Void) -> HTTPClientTask
final class URLSessionHTTPClient: HTTPClient {
    private let session: URLSession
    private struct RequestError: Error { }
    private struct URLSessionTaskWrapper: HTTPClientTask {
        let wrapped: URLSessionTask
        func cancel() {
    init(session: URLSession = .shared) {
        self.session = session
    func execute(_ request: URLRequest, _ completion: @escaping (Result<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data), Error>) -> Void) -> HTTPClientTask {
        let task = session.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
            completion(Result {
                if let error = error {
                    throw error
                } else if let data = data, let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
                    return (response, data)
                } else {
                    throw RequestError()
        return URLSessionTaskWrapper(wrapped: task)
let requestURL = URL(string: "")!

let httpClient = URLSessionHTTPClient()

httpClient.execute(.init(url: requestURL)) { result in
    if let code = try? result.get().response.statusCode {

protocol AuthHTTPClientTask {
    func cancel()

protocol AuthHTTPClient {
    func execute(_ request: URLRequest, _ completion: @escaping (Result<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data), Error>) -> Void) -> AuthHTTPClientTask

如您所见,接口(interface)是精确的,但我希望避免创建整个 URLSessionHTTPClient只针对那个界面 - URLSessionAuthHTTPClient或行为等是相同的。
是否可以创建某种类型 URLSessionHTTPClient允许它返回 AuthHTTPClientTask 的实现或 HTTPClientTask ?
extension HTTPClientTask: AuthHTTPClientTask { }

final class URLSessionHTTPClient: HTTPClient, AuthHTTPClient {
    private let session: URLSession
    private struct RequestError: Error { 

但这会产生 Extension of protocol 'HTTPClientTask' cannot have an inheritance clauseType 'URLSessionHTTPClient' does not conform to protocol 'AuthHTTPClient'


您收到有关 inheritance clause 的错误由于出于一致性目的需要约束,因此在您的示例中,编译器认为它是继承。

protocol HTTPClientTask {
    func cancel()

protocol HTTPClient {
    func execute(_ request: URLRequest, _ completion: @escaping (Result<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data), Error>) -> Void) -> HTTPClientTask

protocol AuthHTTPClientTask {
    func cancel()

protocol AuthHTTPClient {
    func execute(_ request: URLRequest, _ completion: @escaping (Result<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data), Error>) -> Void) -> AuthHTTPClientTask

private struct URLSessionTaskWrapper {
    let wrapped: URLSessionTask
    func cancel() {

extension URLSessionTaskWrapper: HTTPClientTask { }
extension URLSessionTaskWrapper: AuthHTTPClientTask { }

final class URLSessionHTTPClient {
    private let session: URLSession
    private struct RequestError: Error { }

    init(session: URLSession = .shared) {
        self.session = session
    private func dispatch(_ request: URLRequest, _ completion: @escaping (Result<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data), Error>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTaskWrapper {
        let task = session.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
            completion(Result {
                if let error = error {
                    throw error
                } else if let data = data, let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
                    return (response, data)
                } else {
                    throw RequestError()
        return URLSessionTaskWrapper(wrapped: task)

extension URLSessionHTTPClient: HTTPClient {
    func execute(_ request: URLRequest, _ completion: @escaping (Result<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data), Error>) -> Void) -> HTTPClientTask {
        return dispatch(request, completion)

extension URLSessionHTTPClient: AuthHTTPClient {
    func execute(_ request: URLRequest, _ completion: @escaping (Result<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data), Error>) -> Void) -> AuthHTTPClientTask {
        return dispatch(request, completion)

let requestURL = URL(string: "")!

let httpClient: HTTPClient = URLSessionHTTPClient()
httpClient.execute(.init(url: requestURL)) { result in
    if let code = try? result.get().response.statusCode {
        print("HTTP", code)

let authzHTTPClient: AuthHTTPClient = URLSessionHTTPClient()
authzHTTPClient.execute(.init(url: requestURL)) { result in
    if let code = try? result.get().response.statusCode {
        print("Authz", code)

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