html - 像对待 <dt> 的 child 一样对待 <dd>

标签 html css css-selectors

我想做这样的事情: {
  color: red;

.red~dd {
  border-left: solid red;
} {
  color: blue;

.blue~dd {
  border-left: solid blue;
  <dt class="red">Red</dt>
  <dt class="blue">Blue</dt>
  <dt class="red">More red!</dt>
</dl>但是因为蓝色规则排在第二位,所有 <dd>class="blue 之后是蓝色的。

我可以使用 .red + dd如果永远只有一个,但通常不止一个。我可以将每个段包装在 <div class="color"> 中,我可能最终会这样做。




.red {
    color: red;

.blue {
    color: blue;

dt, dd {
  padding: 5px;

.red ~ dd,
.red ~ .blue ~ .red ~ dd,
.red ~ .blue ~ .red ~ .blue ~ .red ~ dd {
    border-left: 3px solid red;

.blue ~ dd,
.blue ~ .red ~ .blue ~ dd,
.blue ~ .red ~ .blue ~ .red ~ .blue  ~ dd {
    border-left: 3px solid blue;
  <dt class="red">Red</dt>
  <dd>after red</dd>
  <dd>Red also</dd>

  <dt class="blue">Blue</dt>
  <dd>after blue</dd>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>

  <dt class="blue">Blue</dt>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>

  <dt class="red">Red</dt>
  <dd>should be red</dd>
  <dd>should be red</dd>

  <dt class="blue">Blue</dt>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>

  <dt class="blue">Blue</dt>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>

  <dt class="red">Red</dt>
  <dd>should be red</dd>
  <dd>should be red</dd>

  <dt class="red">Red</dt>
  <dd>should be red</dd>
  <dd>should be red</dd>

  <dt class="red">Red</dt>
  <dd>should be red</dd>
  <dd>should be red</dd>

  <dt class="blue">Blue</dt>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>

  <dt class="blue">Blue</dt>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>
  <dd>should be blue</dd>

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