ios - Swizzling UIImage.init(名为 :) returns nil when getting the instance method

标签 ios objective-c swift method-swizzling

我正在尝试混合 UIImage 初始化函数,但是当尝试获取实例函数时,它们返回 nil。任何想法?

let instance = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(UIImage.init(named))
let instanceWithBundle = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(UIImage.init(named:in:with)


它返回 nil,因为在 Objective-C 中它们实际上是类方法:

+[UIImage imageNamed:]

+[UIImage imageNamed:inBundle:withConfiguration:]

使用 class_getClassMethod 代替(并确保在方法选择器中的 namedwith 之后添加冒号):

let imageNamedMethod = class_getClassMethod(UIImage.self, #selector(UIImage.init(named:)))
let imageNamedInWithMethod = class_getClassMethod(UIImage.self, #selector(UIImage.init(named:in:with:)))

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