ruby-on-rails - Rspec 共享定义加载两次

标签 ruby-on-rails rspec rspec-rails

我无法查明此问题的原因,但我在 Rails 项目中收到多次加载共享规范的弃用警告。以下是它们的定义方式:


RSpec.shared_examples "an authenticated endpoint" do
  it_behaves_like "an authenticated show endpoint"
  it_behaves_like "an authenticated index endpoint"

RSpec.shared_examples "an authenticated show endpoint" do
# omitted
RSpec.shared_examples "an authenticated index endpoint" do
# omitted

我的 spec_helper 看起来像这样:

RSpec.configure do |config|
  Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }


WARNING: Shared example group 'an authenticated endpoint' has been previously defined at:
...and you are now defining it at:
The new definition will overwrite the original one.
WARNING: Shared example group 'an authenticated show endpoint' has been previously defined at:
...and you are now defining it at:
The new definition will overwrite the original one.
WARNING: Shared example group 'an authenticated index endpoint' has been previously defined at:
...and you are now defining it at:
The new definition will overwrite the original one.

我不需要在测试套件中的任何其他地方(无论如何我都能找到)这些共享规范。我查看了 rspec-core,发现有很多我不太了解的元编程。



我相信原因已描述here .由于您的文件名以“_spec.rb”结尾,它们会被 RSpec 自动加载为示例。我所做的和有帮助的是重命名文件,包含共享示例,删除“_spec”部分。

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