javascript - 符号名称前的双 at 符号 (@@) 是什么意思

标签 javascript ecmascript-6


What does @@ ("at at") mean in ES6 JavaScript?

(1 个回答)


在 ES6 符号的上下文中,经常看到双符号 (@@) 放在符号名称之前。它只是引用内置符号的另一种方式吗?但是,在代码中使用它会导致

SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token


之前已经回答过:What does @@ ("at at") mean in ES6 JavaScript?



Well-known symbols are built-in Symbol values that are explicitly referenced by algorithms of this specification. They are typically used as the keys of properties whose values serve as extension points of a specification algorithm. Unless otherwise specified, well-known symbols values are shared by all Code Realms (8.2).

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