javascript - 如何在 Quill(富文本编辑器)中检测和 trim 前导/尾随空格?

标签 javascript html css rich-text-editor quill

如何检测和删除 Quill 中的前导/尾随空格? ,哪个是富文本编辑器?
例如,样本 HTML 下面代表羽毛笔 文本的输出 "\nHi" .
我们要检测并删除 创建的每个文本 block 的前导和尾随空格。羽毛笔 (不适用于整个文档)。基本上,为每个嵌入的 trim 前导/尾随空格羽毛笔 编辑。 (我们在同一页面中嵌入了多个编辑器。)

The API doesn't seem to offer a simple way to achieve this and would require some hacking?

Is there an elegant way to trim text with Quill effectively?

<div class="ql-editor" 
   <p style="align-self: center;">
   <p style="align-self: center;">
        <span style="font-family: Lato; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 80px; line-height: 1.5; letter-spacing: 0em; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal;">Hi&nbsp;</span>


Quill 使用 Delta 类来描述富文本格式,我们可以使用 Quill getContents 方法获取所有内容条目,格式如下:

Delta {
  ops: [
    insert: "↵↵↵Hello↵world!↵↵"



此解决方案使用此方法 "handling blur event" 来检测模糊事件。



let quills = [];

[...document.getElementsByClassName('quill-editor')].forEach((el, idx) => {
  const quill = new Quill(el, {
    modules: {
      toolbar: [
        [{ header: [1, 2, false] }],
        ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
        ['image', 'code-block']
    placeholder: 'Compose an epic...',
    theme: 'snow'  // or 'bubble'

  quill.on('selection-change', function(range, oldRange, source) {
    if (range === null && oldRange !== null) {
      const delta = quill.getContents();

      let leadingFixed = false;
      let newDelta = [];
      let tempDelta = [];

      if(delta.ops.length === 1) {
        // If there is only one entry, check if it's a string and trim leading and ending LF
        let { insert, attributes } = delta.ops[0];
        if(typeof(insert) === 'string') {
          insert = insert.replace(/^\n+|\n+$/g, '');
        newDelta = [{ insert, attributes }];
      } else {
        // Else go through all the insert entries
        delta.ops.forEach(({ insert, attributes }, idx) => {
          // Create a boolean to indicate if we're at the last entry
          const isLast = idx === delta.ops.length - 1;

          // If the entry is a string (not image/asset)
          if(typeof(insert) === 'string') {
            // If we haven't fixed the leading
            if(!leadingFixed) {
              // If the entry begins with LFs
              if(/^\n+/.test(insert)) {
                // Create a string witrh clean leading LFs
                let cleanText = insert.replace(/^\n+/, '');

                // If there is text after cleaning the LFs
                if(cleanText.length > 0) {
                  // Add the text to the newDelta
                    insert: cleanText,
                  // Set leading flag to indicate we've fixed the leading
                  leadingFixed = true;
              // Else if the entry does not start with LFs
              } else {
                // If the entry does not begin with LFs
                // Add any pending entries that may exists in tempDelta to the newDelta
                newDelta = newDelta.concat(tempDelta);
                // Add the existing entry
                // Clean the any pending entries
                tempDelta = [];
                // And set the leading flag to indicate we've fixed the leading
                leadingFixed = true;
            // Else if we have fixed the leading
            } else {
              // If there an entry with ending LFs
              if(/\n+$/.test(insert)) {
                // Create a string witrh clean ending LFs
                let cleanText = insert.replace(/\n+$/, '');

                // If this is the last entry
                if(isLast) {
                  // If there is text after cleaning the LFs
                  if(cleanText.length > 0) {
                    // Add any pending entries that may exists in tempDelta to the newDelta
                    newDelta = newDelta.concat(tempDelta);
                    // Add the cleaned entry
                      insert: cleanText,
                // Else if this is not the last entry
                } else {
                  // If there is text after cleaning the LFs
                  if(cleanText.length > 0) {
                    // Add any pending entries that may exists in tempDelta to the newDelta
                    newDelta = newDelta.concat(tempDelta);
                    // Add the existing entry
                    // Clean the any pending entries
                    tempDelta = [];
                  // Else if there is no text after cleaning the LFs
                  } else {
                    // Add the entry to the temp deltas so to use them later if its needed
                    tempDelta.push({ insert, attributes });
              // Else if the entry does not end with LFs
              } else {
                // Add any pending entries that may exists in tempDelta to the newDelta
                newDelta = newDelta.concat(tempDelta);
                // Add the existing entry
                // Clean the any pending entries
                tempDelta = [];
          // If the entry is not a string
          } else {
            // Then all leading text/line feeds have been cleared if there were any
            // so, it's safe to set the leading flag
            leadingFixed = true;
            // Add any pending entries that may exists in tempDelta to the newDelta
            newDelta = newDelta.concat(tempDelta);
            // Add the existing entry
            // Clean the any pending entries
            tempDelta = [];

    } /*else if (range !== null && oldRange === null) {

.editors {
  display: flex;

.quill-editor-container {
  flex: 1;
.quill-editor {
  height: 100px !important;
<script src="" integrity="sha256-jvauzib5XGeoiDyHV6mlZnpuKsEAcjhruilbo0e+L6k=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-CN8TogJAzCcMj0uYishm9mmawPUFKJeJh//zR/CfCO8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-2kIq+5smyR4blGwdXXCCVrPLENwavLyrG8+kLPfDPJk=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-2hxHujXw890GumwDHPWrwJCtdZZdrJanlGsrOTSfXnc=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-jyIuRMWD+rz7LdpWfybO8U6DA65JCVkjgrt31FFsnAE=" crossorigin="anonymous" />

<div class="editors">
  <div class="quill-editor-container"><div class="quill-editor"></div></div>
  <div class="quill-editor-container"><div class="quill-editor"></div></div>

我已经用图像 Assets 和格式对其进行了测试,它似乎工作得很好。当然,代码可以进一步优化甚至简化。

如果你想 fork 它并进行一些测试,你也可以检查这个 Stackblitz project

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