django - 覆盖 Django 1.6 中的 ModelForm 字段错误消息

标签 django django-forms

hjwp的精彩Test-Driven Development with Python book演示重写 chapter 11 中的默认 ModelForm 字段错误消息:

from django import forms

from lists.models import Item

class ItemForm(forms.models.ModelForm):

    class Meta:

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        empty_error = "You can't have an empty list item"
        self.fields['text'].error_messages['required'] = empty_error


Django 1.6 has a simpler way of overriding field error messages. I haven’t had time to implement it yet, but you should feel free to look it up and use it!



来自Django 1.6 release notes :

ModelForm accepts several new Meta options.

  • Fields included in the localized_fields list will be localized (by setting localize on the form field).
  • The labels, help_texts and error_messages options may be used to customize the default fields, see Overriding the default fields for details.


class AuthorForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Author
        fields = ('name', 'title', 'birth_date')
        labels = {
            'name': _('Writer'),
        help_texts = {
            'name': _('Some useful help text.'),
        error_messages = {
            'name': {
                'max_length': _("This writer's name is too long."),

相关:Django's ModelForm - where is the list of Meta options?

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