winapi - 使大量分配在第一次接触时自动提交

标签 winapi unmanaged

如何在 Windows 中分配内存但直到第一次触摸才提交它?

我看到 VirtualAlloc 允许我保留一定范围的内存,但我需要在使用前手动提交该内存的部分。我希望在我第一次引用它时自动提交。


(顺便说一句,这可以在 Linux 上通过设置/dev/zero block 的私有(private)内存映射来完成)




template <typename T>
struct default_constructor_factory
    T * operator ()() { return new T; }

template <typename T, typename F = default_constructor_factory<T> >
class lazy_ptr : boost::noncopyable
    typedef T element_type;
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef F factory_type;
    typedef lazy_ptr<T,F> this_type;

    lazy_ptr() : m_ptr(), m_factory() { }
    lazy_ptr(F factory) : m_ptr(), m_factory(factory) { }
    ~lazy_ptr() { if (m_ptr != NULL) delete m_ptr; }

    T & operator* () const
        return *get();

    T * operator-> () const
        return get();

    T * get() const
        if (m_ptr == NULL)
            m_ptr = m_factory();
        return m_ptr;

    void reset(T * p)
        if (p != m_ptr)
            if (m_ptr != NULL)
                delete m_ptr;
            m_ptr = p;

    T * release()
        T * p = m_ptr;
        m_ptr = NULL;
        return p;

    // non-dereferencing accessors

    T * peek() const
        // may return NULL
        return m_ptr;

    bool dereferenced() const
        return peek() != NULL;

//  operator bool() const { return dereferenced(); }

    // handle intrinsic conversion to testable bool using unspecified_bool technique
    typedef T * this_type::*unspecified_bool_type;
    operator unspecified_bool_type() const // never throws
        return dereferenced() ? &this_type::m_ptr : NULL;

    // we must remain it's only owner!
    mutable T * m_ptr;

    // our factory generates the needed element on-demand
    mutable factory_type m_factory;

// shared_lazy_ptr
// we act as a copyable lazy pointer
// essentially, we add reference counting to a single shared lazy pointer
template <typename T, typename F = default_constructor_factory<T> >
class shared_lazy_ptr
    typedef T element_type;
    typedef T value_type;
    typedef F factory_type;
    typedef lazy_ptr<T,F> ptr_type;
    typedef shared_lazy_ptr<T,F> this_type;

    shared_lazy_ptr() : m_ptr(new ptr_type) { }
    shared_lazy_ptr(F factory) : m_ptr(new ptr_type(factory)) { }

    // copy ctor
    shared_lazy_ptr(const this_type & rhs) : m_ptr(rhs.m_ptr), m_references(rhs.m_references) { }

    // assignment
    this_type & operator = (const this_type & rhs)
        if (m_references.Reattach(rhs.m_references))
            delete m_ptr;
        m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr;
        return *this;

        if (m_references.IsOnly())
            delete m_ptr;

    T & operator* () const
        return *get();

    T * operator-> () const
        return get();

    T * get() const
        return m_ptr->get();

    void reset(T * p)
        if (p != get())
            if (m_ptr != NULL)
                delete m_ptr;
            m_ptr = p;

    // non-dereferencing accessors

    T * peek() const
        // may return NULL
        return get()->peek();

    bool dereferenced() const
        return peek() != NULL;

//  operator bool() const { return dereferenced(); }

    // handle intrinsic conversion to testable bool using unspecified_bool technique
    typedef T * this_type::*unspecified_bool_type;
    operator unspecified_bool_type() const // never throws
        return dereferenced() ? &this_type::m_ptr : NULL;

    lazy_ptr<T, F> * m_ptr;         // shared *lazy* pointer to the actual object
    ReferenceCount m_references;    // shared reference count to our lazy pointer

关于winapi - 使大量分配在第一次接触时自动提交,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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