groovy - StreamingTemplateEngine 异常 MissingPropertyException

标签 groovy

如何避免在 Map 中的模板中缺少参数时发生 MissingPropertyException 并将未找到的值替换为 null?

import groovy.text.StreamingTemplateEngine
import groovy.text.Template

class Test {

    private static Writable binding(Map map, String string) {
        Template template = new StreamingTemplateEngine().createTemplate(string)
        return template.make(map)

    static void main(String... args) {
        def template = "\${test1} \${test2}"
        def map = ["test1": "test1"]
        print binding(map, template)



import groovy.text.StreamingTemplateEngine
import groovy.text.Template

def string = '''
Dear <% out.print firstname %> ${lastname},

We <% if (accepted) out.print 'are pleased' else out.print 'regret' %> 
to inform you that your paper entitled
'$title' was ${ accepted ? 'accepted' : 'rejected' }.

The conference committee.

def map = [
    firstname: 'test',
    lastname: 'test',
    accepted: true

Template template = new StreamingTemplateEngine().createTemplate(string)
println template.make(map)

Caught: groovy.text.TemplateExecutionException: Template execution error at line 4:
         3:     We <% if (accepted) out.print 'are pleased' else out.print 'regret' %>     to inform you that your paper entitled
     --> 4:     '$title' was ${ accepted ? 'accepted' : 'rejected' }.

groovy.text.TemplateExecutionException: Template execution error at line 4:
         3:     We <% if (accepted) out.print 'are pleased' else out.print 'regret' %>     to inform you that your paper entitled
     --> 4:     '$title' was ${ accepted ? 'accepted' : 'rejected' }.

Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: title for class: groovy.tmp.templates.StreamingTemplateScript1
    ... 1 more

它失败了,因为我们从 4 个模板变量中定义了 3 个(变量 title 缺失)。

解决方案:为 Map 创建包装器

让我们修复它。我们将通过覆盖 map 方法 containsKey(Object key) 来做到这一点在某种程度上它总是返回 true (此方法由模板引擎使用,如果返回 false ,则模板引擎抛出异常)。我们将创建一个封装类,该类封装一个映射并将不存在的方法的调用委托(delegate)给该封装类。我们将调用这个类Bindings .
import groovy.text.StreamingTemplateEngine
import groovy.text.Template

class Bindings {
    @Delegate private final Map map

    Bindings(Map map) { = map

    boolean containsKey(Object key) {
        return true

def string = '''
Dear <% out.print firstname %> ${lastname},

We <% if (accepted) out.print 'are pleased' else out.print 'regret' %> 
to inform you that your paper entitled
'$title' was ${ accepted ? 'accepted' : 'rejected' }.

The conference committee.

def map = [
    firstname: 'test',
    lastname: 'test',
    accepted: true

Template template = new StreamingTemplateEngine().createTemplate(string)
println template.make(new Bindings(map))

Dear test test,

We are pleased 
to inform you that your paper entitled
'null' was accepted.

The conference committee.

没有MissingPropertyException扔了。但是,如您所见,null打印为 null字符串内。如果您想打印一个空字符串,可以添加 Object get(Object key)方法 Bindings并覆盖其默认行为:
class Bindings {
    @Delegate private final Map map

    Bindings(Map map) { = map

    boolean containsKey(Object key) {
        return true

    Object get(Object key) {
        return map.getOrDefault(key, '')

Dear test test,

We are pleased 
to inform you that your paper entitled
'' was accepted.

The conference committee.


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