php - 在 Laravel Eloquent 中更新一对多关系

标签 php laravel eloquent laravel-5

假设我在 Laravel 的 Eloquent 中有以下两个模型之间的关系:


    // user:
    // - user_id
    class User extends Model
        protected $table = 'users';

        public function settings()
            return $this->hasMany('Setting');

        public function settingSet($key, $value)
            \Setting::setConfigItem($key, $value, $this->user_id);


    // settting:
    // - setting_key
    // - setting_value
    // - user_id
    class Setting extends Model
        public function setConfigItem($key, $value, $user_id)
            // Note: I've provided this code here as an example, so it should
            // exist here only as pseudo-code - it has not been tested and
            // is outside the scope of this issue but has been requested by 
            // a commenter so I've provided the basis for this method:
            $existing = \Setting::where(['key' => $key, 'user_id' => $user_id])->first();
            if (!$existing) {
                \Setting::insert([ 'setting_key' => $key, 'setting_value' => $value, 'user_id' => $user_id ]);
            } else {
                $existing->setting_value = $value;


$user = User::with(['setting'])->find(1);

现在,对于这个用户,我可以使用上面列出的 settingSet 方法更新或插入设置。



print_r($user->settings); // onoes!

User::settingSet 方法或其他类似方法中执行 INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 后强制更新此关系的数据的最佳做法是什么?


您可以使用Lazy Eager Loadingload() 函数强制更新数据。



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