PHP:依赖于语言环境的 float 到字符串转换

标签 php string casting locale

我坐在一台有 en_US 语言环境和这段 PHP 代码的机器上



string(5) "1.234"


string(5) "1,234"

为什么 PHP 在将 float 类型转换为字符串时使用语言环境?我怎样才能禁用它?我想让这个函数在所有机器上都返回 string(5) "1.234",而不管任何语言环境设置如何。

其次也是次要的:为什么 PHP 会忽略我机器上的 setlocale?


Why the heck does PHP use the locale when typecasting floats to strings?


How can I disable it?


如果安装了 locale,则可以将 locale 设置为 en_US

I'd like to have this function return string(5) "1.234" on all machines, regardless of any locale settings.


$num = 1.234; 

/* 1 - number format                            */

$str = number_format( $num, 3, '.', '' );
/*     you get exacly the number of digits      *
 *     passed as 2nd parameter.  Value  is      *
 *     properly rounded.                        */

/* 2 - sprintf                                  */

$str = sprintf( '%.3F', $num );

/*     you get exacly the number of digits      *
 *     specified bewtween `.` and `F`.          *
 *     Value is properly rounded.               */

/* 3 - json encode                              *
 *     optionally setting serialize_precision   */

ini_set( 'serialize_precision', 3 );
$str = json_encode( (float) $num );

/*     you get  -AT MOST-  the  number  of      *
 *     digits   as   per  language  option      *
 *     `serialize_precision`                    *
 *     If the number  can  be  represented      *
 *     with less digits  without  loss  of      *
 *     precision then trailing zeroes  are      *
 *     trimmed.                                 *
 *     If  `serialize_precision`  is  `-1`      *
 *     then all the available decimals are      *
 *     written.                                 *
 *     Note that altering the language opt      *
 *     affect all foat serialization funcs      *
 *     so you may want to set it  back  to      *
 *     its   previous  value   after   the      *
 *     conversion.                             *
 *     Value is  properly  rounded  unless       *
 *     `serialize_precision` is set to -1.      */   

Secondly and less important: Why does PHP ignore the setlocale on my machine?


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