arrays - Powershell阵列:何时使用它们;什么时候避免他们和使用它们的问题

标签 arrays powershell arraylist generic-list

.NET Framework ArrayList类.Add方法为什么在PowerShell实现中不起作用?



我遇到的第一个问题是创建动态数组。我不知道自己在做什么,并且在.Add数组声明上错误地调用了.NET @()方法。

Exception calling "Add" with "1" argument(s): "Collection was of a fixed size."



然后,我找到了.NET ArrayList类。好的。现在,我有了一个动态数组对象。我阅读了文档,其中说我应该使用.Add方法将元素添加到集合中。



Monday, January 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM

Get-Date 0



由于某种原因,我最初认为在Powershell中将元素添加到.NET ArrayList的正确方法是使用.Add方法。这是documented。我仍然不明白为什么该方法不起作用的原因(严重的是,请有人启发我)。通过实验,我发现我可以通过使用+=方法将对象添加到ArrayList来获得准确的结果。

Function Get-DateRangeList {
    Param (
        [datetime] $startDate,
        [datetime] $endDate

    $datesArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()  # Second method

    for ($d = $startDate; $d -le $endDate; $d = $d.AddDays(1)) {
        if ($d.DayOfWeek -ne 'Sunday') {

    Return $datesArray

# Get one week of dates, ending with yesterday's date
$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddDays(-1)  # Get yesterday's date as last date in range
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-7)  # Get 7th prior date as first date in range

$datesList = Get-DateRangeList  $startDate $endDate

# Loop through the dates
Foreach ($d in $datesList) {
    # Do something with each date, e.g., format the date as part of a list
    # of date-stamped files to retrieve


Function Get-DateRangeList {
    Param (
        [datetime] $startDate,
        [datetime] $endDate

    $datesArray = @()  # First method
    #$datesArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()  # Second method
    #$datesArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]  # Third method

    for ($d = $startDate; $d -le $endDate; $d = $d.AddDays(1)) {
        if ($d.DayOfWeek -ne 'Sunday') {
            $datesArray += $d     # First and second method: += is the method to add elements to: Powershell array; or .NET ArrayList (confusing)
            #$datesArray.Add($d)  # Third method: .Add is the method to add elements to: .NET Generic List

    Return $datesArray

# Get one week of dates, ending with yesterday's date
$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddDays(-1)  # Get yesterday's date as last date in range
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-7)  # Get 7th prior date as first date in range

$datesList = Get-DateRangeList  $startDate $endDate

# Loop through the dates
Foreach ($d in $datesList) {
    # Do something with each date, e.g., format the date as part of a list
    # of date-stamped files to retrieve
    "FileName_{0}.txt" -f $d.ToString("yyyyMMdd")

其次,使用.NET Framework ArrayList :
Function Get-DateRangeList {
    Param (
        [datetime] $startDate,
        [datetime] $endDate

    #$datesArray = @()  # First method
    $datesArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()  # Second method
    #$datesArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]  # Third method

    for ($d = $startDate; $d -le $endDate; $d = $d.AddDays(1)) {
        if ($d.DayOfWeek -ne 'Sunday') {
            $datesArray += $d     # First and second method: += is the method to add elements to: Powershell array; or .NET ArrayList (confusing)
            #$datesArray.Add($d)  # Third method: .Add is the method to add elements to: .NET Generic List

    Return $datesArray

# Get one week of dates, ending with yesterday's date
$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddDays(-1)  # Get yesterday's date as last date in range
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-7)  # Get 7th prior date as first date in range

$datesList = Get-DateRangeList  $startDate $endDate

# Loop through the dates
Foreach ($d in $datesList) {
    # Do something with each date, e.g., format the date as part of a list
    # of date-stamped files to retrieve
    "FileName_{0}.txt" -f $d.ToString("yyyyMMdd")

第三,使用.NET Framework Generic List:
Function Get-DateRangeList {
    Param (
        [datetime] $startDate,
        [datetime] $endDate

    #$datesArray = @()  # First method
    #$datesArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()  # Second method
    $datesArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]  # Third method

    for ($d = $startDate; $d -le $endDate; $d = $d.AddDays(1)) {
        if ($d.DayOfWeek -ne 'Sunday') {
            #$datesArray += $d     # First and second method: += is the method to add elements to: Powershell array; or .NET ArrayList (confusing)
            $datesArray.Add($d)  # Third method: .Add is the method to add elements to: .NET Generic List

    Return $datesArray

# Get one week of dates, ending with yesterday's date
$startDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $startDate.AddDays(-1)  # Get yesterday's date as last date in range
$startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-7)  # Get 7th prior date as first date in range

$datesList = Get-DateRangeList  $startDate $endDate

# Loop through the dates
Foreach ($d in $datesList) {
    # Do something with each date, e.g., format the date as part of a list
    # of date-stamped files to retrieve
    "FileName_{0}.txt" -f $d.ToString("yyyyMMdd")

所有这三个工作。为什么您偏爱一个?本机PowerShell数组和.NET Framework的ArrayList类都生成非强类型的对象的集合,因此您可以这样做(在Powershell数组实现中):
$myArray = @(1, 2, 3, "A", "B", "C")


对于大量相同类型的对象,似乎.NET Framework通用列表是最佳选择。在我的示例中,我想要一个日期列表。每个日期都是相同的数据类型,因此无需混合对象类型。因此,我正在部署的解决方案是上面的第三个工作示例。

感谢Dave Wyatt在2013年Powershell.org上发表的有关PowerShell Performance: The += Operator (and When to Avoid It)的文章。特别是+=方法creates a new array object in each pass within a loop,添加新元素,然后销毁旧数组。对于大量收集,这将变得非常低效。



有关日期列表的更像PowerShell的实现,我请读者引用tidy implementation posted by The Surly Admin



# Create arraylist with space for 20 object
$ar = new-object collections.arraylist 20
$ar.add("hello everybody")
$ar.add( (gps)[9])
$ar[0]  # returns string
$ar[1]  # returns datetime
$ar[2]  # returns tenth process
$ar.count # returns 3


如果在PS中的arraylist上使用+ =,它将从arraylist中获取元素,并获取新元素并创建一个数组。我相信,这是一种使用户免受偶然发现的.NET复杂性影响的尝试。 (我怀疑PS产品团队的主要用例之一是对.NET尤其是arraylist不太熟悉的用户。您显然不属于该类别。)

我将提到PS和阵列的绊脚石。 PS在某些情况下会自动展开阵列。例如,如果我有一个字符数组,并且想要创建一个字符串(使用String..ctor([char []])重载),则此方法将无效:
# Fails because PS unrolls the array and thinks that each element is a
# different argument to String..ctor
$stringFromCharArray = new-object string $charArray
# Wrap $charArray to get it to work
$stringFromCharArray = new-object string @(,$charArray)
# This also works
$stringFromCharArray = new-object string (,$charArray)


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