c++ - c++-使用unordered_map解决2和的方法

标签 c++ hashtable unordered-map

好的,我正在尝试解决c++中的2-SUM问题。给定一个任意顺序的1000000数字文件,我需要确定是否存在整数对,其和为t其中t is each of [-10000, 10000]。所以这基本上是2-SUM问题。

因此,我用C++编写了解决方案,其中我使用unordered_map作为哈希表。我确保哈希表上的load低。但这仍然需要1hr 15mins完成(成功)。现在,我想知道是否应该那么慢。进一步降低负载系数并不会显着提高性能。



#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <fstream>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    if(argc != 2){
        std::cerr << "Usage: ./2sum <filename>" << std::endl;

    std::ifstream input(argv[1]);
    std::ofstream output("log.txt");
    std::unordered_map<long, int> data_map;

    long tmp;
    while(input >> tmp){
        data_map[tmp] += 1;

    std::cerr << "input done!" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "load factor " << data_map.load_factor() << std::endl;

    //debug print.
    for(auto iter = data_map.begin(); iter != data_map.end(); ++iter){
        output << iter->first << " " << iter->second << std::endl;

    std::cerr << "debug print done!" << std::endl;

    long ans = 0;

    for(long i = -10000; i <= 10000; ++i){
        //try to find a pair whose sum = i.

        //debug print.
        if(i % 100 == 0)
            std::cerr << i << std::endl;

        for(auto iter = data_map.begin(); iter != data_map.end(); ++iter){
            long x = iter->first;
            long y = i - x;

            if(x == y)

            auto search_y = data_map.find(y);
            if(search_y != data_map.end()){

    std::cout << ans << std::endl;

    return 0;




然后通过蒙特卡罗启发式方法打开:对于总数的大约1%,从集合中随机选择一个,然后搜索[minSum, maxSum]范围内的所有总和,该总和可以使一个术语为随机选择的数字,其余为他们。这将使用...说...'可以轻易找到的总和'预先填充sums集。在我的测试中,使用-10M到10M之间仅生成1M的数字,这是必要的一步,需要花费几秒钟。

random/Monte Carlo heuristic的额外说明(以解决@AneeshDandime的评论):

Though i do not fully understand it at the moment

好吧,很简单。这样想:天真的方法是获取所有输入值并成对相加,但只将和保留在[-10k,10k]中。然而,这是非常昂贵的(O [N ^ 2])。一个直接的改进将是:选择一个值v0,然后确定哪些其他v1值有机会给出[-10k,10k]范围内的总和。如果对输入值进行了排序,则更加简单:您只需在v1中选择[-10k-v0, 10k-v0] -s即可;是一个很好的改进,但是如果您将此作为唯一方法,则穷举搜索仍将是O(log2(N)N [-10k,10k])。
但是,这种方法仍然有其值(value):如果输入值是均匀分布的,它将用最常用的值快速填充known sums集合(并花费其余时间尝试查找不频繁或缺少的sum值)。

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>

int main() {
  typedef long long value_type;

  // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  // substitute this with your input sequence from the file
  std::random_device rd;
  std::mt19937 gen(rd());
  std::uniform_int_distribution<value_type> initRnd(-5500, 10000000);

  std::vector<value_type> sorted_vals;

  for(ulong i=0; i<1000000; i++) {
    int rnd=initRnd(gen);
  std::cout << "Initialization end" << std::endl;
  // end of input
  // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  // use some constants instead of magic values
  const value_type sumMin=-10000, sumMax=10000;

  // Mapping val->number of occurrences
  std::unordered_map<value_type, size_t> hashed_vals;

  for(auto val : sorted_vals) {

  // retain only the unique values and sort them
  for(auto val=hashed_vals.begin(); val!=hashed_vals.end(); ++val) {
  std::sort(sorted_vals.begin(), sorted_vals.end());

  // Store the encountered sums here
  std::unordered_set<int> sums;

  // some 1% iterations, looking at random for pair of numbers which will contribute with
  // sum in the [-10000, 10000] range, and we'll collect those sums.
  // We'll use the sorted vector of values for this purpose.
  // If we are lucky, most of the sums (if not all) will be already filled in
  std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> rndPick(0, sorted_vals.size());
  size_t numRandomPicks=size_t(sorted_vals.size()*0.1);
  if(numRandomPicks > 75000) {
  for(size_t i=0; i<numRandomPicks;i++) {
    // pick a value index at random
    size_t randomIx=rndPick(gen);
    value_type val=sorted_vals[randomIx];

    // now search for the values between -val-minSum and -val+maxSum;
    auto low=std::lower_bound(sorted_vals.begin(), sorted_vals.end(), sumMin-val);
    if(low==sorted_vals.end()) {
    auto high=std::upper_bound(sorted_vals.begin(), sorted_vals.end(), sumMax-val);
    if(high==sorted_vals.begin()) {
    for(auto rangeIt=low; rangeIt!=high; rangeIt++) {
      if(*rangeIt!=val || hashed_vals[val] > 1) {
        // if not the same as the randomly picked value
        // or if it is the same but that value occurred more than once in input
        auto sum=val+*rangeIt;
    if(sums.size()==size_t(sumMax-sumMin+1)) {
      // lucky us, we found them all

  // after which, if some sums are not present, we'll search for them specifically
  if(sums.size()!=size_t(sumMax-sumMin+1)) {
    std::cout << "Number of sums still missing: "
              << size_t(sumMax-sumMin+1)-sums.size()
              << std::endl
    for(int sum=sumMin; sum<=sumMax; sum++) {
      if(sums.find(sum)==sums.end()) {
        std::cout << "looking for sum: " << sum ;
        // we couldn't find the sum, so we'll need to search for it.
        // We'll use the unique_vals hash map this time to search for the other value
        bool found=false;
        for(auto i=sorted_vals.begin(); !found && i!=sorted_vals.end(); ++i) {
          value_type v=*i;
          value_type other_val=sum-v;
          if(  // v---- either two unequal terms to be summed or...
               (other_val != v || hashed_vals[v] > 1) // .. the value occurred more than once
            && hashed_vals.find(other_val)!=hashed_vals.end() // and the other term exists
          ) {
            // found. Record it as such and break
        std::cout << (found ? " found" : " not found") << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Total number of distinct sums found: " << sums.size() << std:: endl;

关于c++ - c++-使用unordered_map解决2和的方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40081572/


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