c++ - std::enable_if 如何阻止成员模板的声明?

标签 c++ class c++11 templates sfinae

Stroustrup C++ 第 4 版 Ed 第 796 页指出

"If Enable_if’s condition evaluates to false, the whole function declaration of which it is part is completely ignored." and "...we don’t declare anything.".

我还读过this suggested thread其中 SFINAE 仅当模板参数的参数推导中的替换导致构造不正确时才起作用。

对于这个例子,我试图理解 SFINAE 如何省略 Enable_if<false, T> f0(int x) {};构造。


#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;

template<bool B, typename T>
using Enable_if = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type;

struct X 
   template <class T>
   Enable_if<false, T> f0(int x) {};
   template <class T>
   Enable_if<true, T> f0(int x) {};

int main(void)
   X xx;
   return 0;


template <typename enable_if<false>::type* = nullptr> 
void f0() {}

这是因为模板参数格式不正确(没有 ::type 来分配 nullptr。)


I'm trying to understand how SFINAE omits the Enable_if<false, T> f0(int x) {}; construct. Is it because of the lack of a return type ::type makes the template construct ill-formed language-wise?


您需要看看 SFNINAE 基本上是如何工作的 a good c++ book 。例如来自cppreference.com

This rule applies during overload resolution of function templates: When substituting the explicitly specified or deduced type for the template parameter fails, the specialization is discarded from the overload set instead of causing a compile error.


其次, std::enable_if 部分。它检查您在中提供的条件

template< bool B, class T = void >
//       ^^^^^^^ -----------------------> here!!
struct enable_if;

在编译时,决定是否 to activate the part below or not .

The standard library component std::enable_if allows for creating a substitution failure in order to enable or disable particular overloads based on a condition evaluated at compile time.


template <class T>
Enable_if<false, T> f0(int x) {};
//        ^^^^^ ---------------> CONDITION == false

条件是false ,因此实际上,在编译器完成编译后,这部分(代码)将不存在。

Is it because of the lack of a return type ::type makes the template construct ill-formed language-wise?



template<bool B, typename T>
using Enable_if = typename std::enable_if<B,T>::type;
//                                            ^^^^^^^ --> type has been mentioned here!

您提到了::type通过别名类型 Enable_if</*condition*/, T> .

关于c++ - std::enable_if 如何阻止成员模板的声明?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63095464/


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