c++ - 在清除 istream 之前我不需要取消它吗?

标签 c++ string iostream cin



    while (in >> x) {
    // clear the stream so that input will work for the next student

哪里instd::istream , xdoublehwvector<double> 。我是否不需要放回导致我跳出 while 循环的任何读取尝试?否则,我的下一篇文章不会是in吗?跳过一些数据?



输入数据如下: Moore 75 85 77 59 0 85 75 89



#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using std::istream;
using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using std::cin;

struct Student_info {
  std::string name;
  double midterm, final;
  std::vector<double> homework;

istream& read(istream&, Student_info&);
istream& read_hw(istream&, vector<double>&);

istream& read(istream& is, Student_info& s) {
  // Read and store th studen's name and midterm and final exam grades
  is >> s.name >> s.midterm >> s.final;

  read_hw(is, s.homework); // read and store all the student's homework grades
  return is;

istream& read_hw(istream& in, vector<double>& hw)
  if (in) {
    // get rid of previous contents

    // read homework grades
    double x;
    while (in >> x) {
    // clear the stream so that input will work for the next student
  return in;


我知道何时停止阅读 vector<double>家庭作业成绩如下:

    while (in >> x) {
    // clear the stream so that input will work for the next student



Moo 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Moore 75 85 77 59 0 85 75 89
Norman 57 78 73 66 78 70 88 89


Name: Moo, Midterm: 100, Final: 100, Num HW: 6
Name: Moore, Midterm: 75, Final: 85, Num HW: 6
Name: orman, Midterm: 57, Final: 78, Num HW: 6

请注意,这个名字是orman,而不是Norman。缺少 N。这不是一个错字,这就是我想要理解的问题。




Moo 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Moore 75 85 77 59 0 85 75 89
Norman 57 78 73 66 78 70 88 89
Olson 89 86 70 90 55 73 80 84
Peerson 47 70 82 73 50 87 73 71

Russel 72 87 88 54 55 82 69 87
Thomas 90 96 99 99 100 81 97 97
Vaughn 81 97 99 67 40 90 70 96
Westerly 43 98 96 79 100 82 97 96

Baker 67 72 73 40 0 78 55 70
Davis 77 70 82 65 70 77 83 81
Edwards 77 72 73 80 90 93 75 90
Franklin 47 70 82 73 50 87 73 71

Jones 77 82 83 50 10 88 65 80
Harris 97 90 92 95 100 87 93 91
Smith 87 92 93 60 0 98 75 90
Carpenter 47 90 92 73 100 87 93 91

Fail1 45 55 65 80 90 70 65 60
Fail2 55 55 65 50 55 60 65 60


#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using std::istream;
using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using std::cin;

struct Student_info {
  std::string name;
  double midterm, final;
  std::vector<double> homework;

istream& read(istream&, Student_info&);
istream& read_hw(istream&, vector<double>&);

istream& read(istream& is, Student_info& s) {
  // Read and store th studen's name and midterm and final exam grades
  is >> s.name >> s.midterm >> s.final;

  read_hw(is, s.homework); // read and store all the student's homework grades
  return is;

istream& read_hw(istream& in, vector<double>& hw)
  if (in) {
    // get rid of previous contents

    // read homework grades
    double x;
    while (in >> x) {
    // clear the stream so that input will work for the next student
  return in;

int main() {

  vector<Student_info> students;
  Student_info record;
  string::size_type maxlen = 0;

  while (read(cin, record)) {
    // find length of longest name
    cout << boost::format("Name: %1%, Midterm: %2%, Final: %3%, Num HW: %4%\n") % record.name % record.midterm % record.final % record.homework.size();

  return 0;


Name: Moo, Midterm: 100, Final: 100, Num HW: 6
Name: Moore, Midterm: 75, Final: 85, Num HW: 6
Name: orman, Midterm: 57, Final: 78, Num HW: 6
Name: Olson, Midterm: 89, Final: 86, Num HW: 6
Name: rson, Midterm: 47, Final: 70, Num HW: 6
Name: Russel, Midterm: 72, Final: 87, Num HW: 6
Name: Thomas, Midterm: 90, Final: 96, Num HW: 6
Name: Vaughn, Midterm: 81, Final: 97, Num HW: 6
Name: Westerly, Midterm: 43, Final: 98, Num HW: 6
Name: ker, Midterm: 67, Final: 72, Num HW: 6
Name: vis, Midterm: 77, Final: 70, Num HW: 6
Name: wards, Midterm: 77, Final: 72, Num HW: 6
Name: ranklin, Midterm: 47, Final: 70, Num HW: 6
Name: Jones, Midterm: 77, Final: 82, Num HW: 6
Name: Harris, Midterm: 97, Final: 90, Num HW: 6
Name: Smith, Midterm: 87, Final: 92, Num HW: 6
Name: rpenter, Midterm: 47, Final: 90, Num HW: 6
Name: l1, Midterm: 45, Final: 55, Num HW: 6
Name: l2, Midterm: 55, Final: 55, Num HW: 6


我尝试添加 in.seekg(-1, in.cur);打破以下 while 循环后:

    double x;
    while (in >> x) {

    // Going to try and get the istream back to where it was when I broke out of the while loop.
    in.seekg(-1, in.cur);

    // clear the stream so that input will work for the next student

认为这会让我回到导致我跳出 while 循环的原因。但仍然无法正确读取学生姓名



Why is istream.clear() removing part of my strings while reading doubles and strings?





奇怪的提取原因是字母 ABCDEFINP 可以出现在 double 中,而其他字母则不能。请参阅strtof spec详细信息。

这是没有前瞻的流 I/O 的一个基本问题。该标准(粗略地说)指定继续提取,直到找到目标类型中不能出现的字符,然后尝试转换提取的内容。多年来,对该规范进行了各种调整(包括更改 double 型的有效字符列表),但没有真正的解决方案。

没有规定在转换失败时放回字符,您将不得不使用不同的提取方法。正如另一个答案中所建议的:由于您的输入是面向行的(即换行符很重要),因此最好使用面向行的读取函数来读取一行,然后解析一行。您使用 >> 直到错误的方法无法在换行符处中断(该运算符将所有空格视为相同)。

关于c++ - 在清除 istream 之前我不需要取消它吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59811568/


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