r - R中多个术语的findAssocs

标签 r text-mining term-document-matrix

在 R 中,我使用 [tm package][1] 从文档语料库构建术语文档矩阵。

我的目标是从术语文档矩阵中的所有 双字母组中提取单词关联,并返回前三个或一些。因此,我正在寻找一个包含矩阵中所有 row.names 的变量,以便函数 findAssocs() 可以完成他的工作。


txtData <- read.csv("file.csv", header = T, sep = ",")
txtCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(txtData$text))

...further preprocessing

#Tokenizer for n-grams and passed on to the term-document matrix constructor
BigramTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min = 2, max = 2))
txtTdmBi <- TermDocumentMatrix(txtCorpus, control = list(tokenize = BigramTokenizer))

#term argument holds two words since the BigramTokenizer extracted all pairs from txtCorpus
findAssocs(txtTdmBi, "cat shop", 0.5)
cat cabi  cat scratch  ...
    0.96         0.91

我尝试用 txtTdmBi 中的所有 row.names 定义一个变量,并将其提供给 findAssocs() 函数。但是,结果如下:

allRows <- c(row.names(txtTdmBi))
findAssocs(txtTdmBi, allRows, 0.5)
Error in which(x[term, ] > corlimit) : subscript out of bounds
In addition: Warning message:
In term == Terms(x) :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

因为提取用于多个词条文档矩阵的词条的关联已得到解释 here ,我想可以在单个术语文档矩阵中找到多个术语的关联。除了如何?



如果我理解正确,lapply 解决方案可能是回答您问题的方法。这与您链接到的答案的方法相同,但这是一个可能更接近您的用例的独立示例:




#Tokenizer for n-grams and passed on to the term-document matrix constructor
BigramTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min = 2, max = 2))
txtTdmBi <- TermDocumentMatrix(crude, control = list(tokenize = BigramTokenizer))


inspect(txtTdmBi[1000:1005, 10:15])
A term-document matrix (6 terms, 6 documents)

Non-/sparse entries: 1/35
Sparsity           : 97%
Maximal term length: 18 
Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

Terms                248 273 349 352 353 368
  for their            0   0   0   0   0   0
  for west             0   0   0   0   0   0
  forced it            0   0   0   0   0   0
  forced to            0   0   0   0   0   0
  forces trying        1   0   0   0   0   0
  foreign investment   0   0   0   0   0   0


现在使用 lapply 函数计算术语文档矩阵中术语向量中每个项目的关联词。术语向量最简单地使用 txtTdmBi$dimnames$Terms 访问。例如txtTdmBi$dimnames$Terms[[1005]]是“外国投资”。

这里我使用了 plyr 包中的 llply ,这样我们就可以有一个进度条(为大工作提供安慰),但它与基础 lapply 函数。

dat <- llply(txtTdmBi$dimnames$Terms, function(i) findAssocs(txtTdmBi, i, 0.5), .progress = "text" )




168 million              1986 was            1987 early               300 mln                31 pct 
                 1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00 
                a bit          a crossroads             a leading           a political          a population 
                 1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00 
            a reduced              a series            a slightly            about zero    activity continues 
                 1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00 
         advisers are   agricultural sector       agriculture the              all such          also reviews 
                 1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00 
         and advisers           and attract           and imports       and liberalised             and steel 
                 1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00 
            and trade           and virtual       announced since            appears to           are equally 
                 1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00 
     are recommending             areas for              areas of                 as it              as steps 
                 1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00 
            asia with          asian member    assesses indonesia           attract new            balance of 
                 1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00                  1.00 


顺便说一下,如果您的术语文档矩阵非常大,您可能想试试这个版本的 findAssocs:

# u is a term document matrix
# term is your term
# corlimit is a value -1 to 1

findAssocsBig <- function(u, term, corlimit){
  suppressWarnings(x.cor <-  gamlr::corr(t(u[ !u$dimnames$Terms == term, ]),        
                                         as.matrix(t(u[  u$dimnames$Terms == term, ]))  ))  
  x <- sort(round(x.cor[(x.cor[, term] > corlimit), ], 2), decreasing = TRUE)


dat1 <- llply(txtTdmBi$dimnames$Terms, function(i) findAssocsBig(txtTdmBi, i, 0.5), .progress = "text" )

这样做的好处是它使用不同的方法将 TDM 转换为矩阵 tm:findAssocs。这种不同的方法可以更有效地使用内存,因此可以防止出现此类消息:Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.9 Gb

快速基准测试显示两个 findAssocs 函数的速度大致相同,所以主要区别在于内存的使用:

dat1 <- llply(txtTdmBi$dimnames$Terms, function(i) findAssocsBig(txtTdmBi, i, 0.5)),
dat <- llply(txtTdmBi$dimnames$Terms, function(i) findAssocs(txtTdmBi, i, 0.5)),
times = 10)

Unit: seconds
                                                                                     expr      min       lq   median
 dat1 <- llply(txtTdmBi$dimnames$Terms, function(i) findAssocsBig(txtTdmBi,      i, 0.5)) 10.82369 11.03968 11.25492
     dat <- llply(txtTdmBi$dimnames$Terms, function(i) findAssocs(txtTdmBi,      i, 0.5)) 10.70980 10.85640 11.14156
       uq      max neval
 11.39326 11.89754    10
 11.18877 11.97978    10

关于r - R中多个术语的findAssocs,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16836022/


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