java - 这是 LinkedList 的正确可视化吗?

标签 java data-structures linked-list

我目前正在研究链表,我在 stackoverflow、geeksforgeeks 中查看了一些问题,我只是想弄清楚我的理解是否正确。在展示我的可视化之后,我还有一些问题。


public class LinkedList {
    Node head;
    public static void main (String [] args){
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        list.head = new Node(1);
        Node second = new Node(2);
        Node third = new Node(3); = second; = third;

class Node{
    int data;
    Node next;

    Node(int d){
        data = d;
        next = null;

这将创建一个 LinkedList (1,2,3)
  • 你有 2 个类(class)是 class LinkedListclass Node
  • class LinkedList我声明了一个以后可以使用的对象是 Node head;
  • class Node是另一个对象声明,它是 Node next;和一个接受数据的构造函数(我创建了一组节点)
  • 返回 class LinkedList我实例化一个 object list这将是节点的容器,所以它就像 class Node 的对象class LinkedList 的内部对象

  • 这是我的可视化:
    enter image description here

  • 为什么我不能将头部创建为 Node head = new Node(1);而不是 Node head;
  • 据我了解对象list创建为 class Node 对象的容器那正确吗?
  • 最后为什么我必须声明Node next;在 Node 构造函数内部,为什么我必须设置为 next = null; ?
  • 最佳答案

  • 您可以使用 Node head = new Node(1); 创建一个新节点只是他们在介绍单向链表的样子。
  • 动态分配了三个节点,所以默认值为next = null;因为稍后你会将每个节点链接到 = second; = third

  • 这是一个完整的表示:
         /* Start with   the empty list. */
         LinkedList2 llist = new LinkedList2(); 
         llist.head = new Node(1); 
         Node second = new Node(2); 
         Node third = new Node(3); 
         /* Three nodes have been allocated dynamically. 
           We have references to these three blocks as head,   
           second and third 
           llist.head        second              third 
              |                |                  | 
              |                |                  | 
          +----+------+     +----+------+     +----+------+ 
          | 1  | null |     | 2  | null |     |  3 | null | 
          +----+------+     +----+------+     +----+------+ */
     = second; // Link first node with the second node 
         /*  Now next of the first Node refers to the second.  So they 
             both are linked. 
          llist.head        second              third 
             |                |                  | 
             |                |                  | 
         +----+------+     +----+------+     +----+------+ 
         | 1  |  o-------->| 2  | null |     |  3 | null | 
         +----+------+     +----+------+     +----+------+ */
     = third; // Link second node with the third node 
         /*  Now next of the second Node refers to third.  So all three 
             nodes are linked. 
          llist.head        second              third 
             |                |                  | 
             |                |                  | 
         +----+------+     +----+------+     +----+------+ 
         | 1  |  o-------->| 2  |  o-------->|  3 | null | 
         +----+------+     +----+------+     +----+------+ */

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