.net - 具有基于自定义 SRGS 语法的自由格式文本

标签 .net grammar speech-recognition context-free-grammar sapi


我正在使用 dotnet 4 附带的 Microsoft SAPI 来识别语音。至此,我了解了它支持的两种模式。

Speech recognition (SR) has two modes of operation:

  • Dictation mode — an unconstrained, free-form speech interpretation mode that uses a built-in grammar provided by the recognizer for a specific language. This is the default recognizer.

  • Grammar mode — matches spoken words to one or more specific context-free grammars (CFGs). A CFG is a structure that defines a specific set of words, and the combination of these words that can be used. In basic terms, a CFG defines the sentences that are valid for SR. Grammars must be supplied by the application in the form of precompiled grammar files or supplied at runtime in the form of W3C Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) markup or the older CFG specification. The Windows SDK includes a grammar compiler: gc.exe.



如何让系统识别诸如“我叫加里,今年 25 岁”之类的句子。名称绝对可以是任何名称,我如何在我的语法中定义它?


您可以将听写模式与语法模式混合使用,请参阅 MSDN 中的示例:


    <!-- command to handle first and last names with semantic properties -->
    <!-- By using semantic properties, the application can ignore all of
        the text returned, except for the text associated with the dictation
        tags' semantic properties "PID_FirstName" and "PID_LastName" -->
    <RULE ID="SubmitName" TOPLEVEL="ACTIVE">
            my first name is
            <!-- Note the implicit maximum is only one word -->
            <DICTATION PROPID="PID_FirstName"/>
            and my last name is
            <!-- Note the implicit maximum is two words -->
            <DICTATION PROPID="PID_LastName" MAX="2"/>

关于.net - 具有基于自定义 SRGS 语法的自由格式文本,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8006238/


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