websphere - IBM WebSphere Application Server 中受监控部署的轮询间隔是多少

标签 websphere websphere-8

IBM WebSphere Application Server 中受监控部署的轮询间隔是多少 它是默认启用的吗? 我们如何手动启用它。

我们如何在 WSADMIN 的帮助下更改目录




您可以使用管理控制台或 wsadmin 脚本来启用或禁用受监控的目录部署以及更改受监控的目录和轮询间隔。

monitoredDirectoryDe​​ployment 对象具有以下属性:


Use the Global deployment settings page of an administrative console to set monitored directory values.
    Click Applications > Global deployment settings.
    To enable monitored directory deployment, select Monitor directory to automatically deploy applications.

    To disable monitored directory deployment, clear Monitor directory to automatically deploy applications.
    To change the monitored directory path, specify a new value for Monitored directory.

    Ensure that the directory that you specified for Monitored directory exists. The product does not create the directory for you.
    To change the polling interval, specify the number of seconds for Polling interval.
    Click Apply.
    If you are using an administrative console for a base (stand-alone) application server to change monitored directory values, restart the application server.

    If you are using an administrative console for a deployment manager to change monitored directory values, restart the deployment manager.

您可以访问 IBM 页面了解更多..


关于websphere - IBM WebSphere Application Server 中受监控部署的轮询间隔是多少,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22590372/


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