f# - 如何获取接口(interface)实例方法的 F# 引用?

标签 f# quotations

在 F# 中,我们可以通过对象表达式创建接口(interface)实例,但是当我尝试在实例方法上使用属性 ReflectedDefinition 时,我无法获取引号。方法信息是在接口(interface)类型中声明的,而不是实例类型。


module Test

open System
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.ExprShape

type IMyInterface =
    abstract Foo : int -> int

let createMyInterface () =
    { new IMyInterface with
        member this.Foo a = a + 1 }

let expr =
    let a = createMyInterface()
    <@ a.Foo(42) @>

let rec iterExpr (expr:Expr) =
    match expr with
    | Call(objectExpr, info, paramExprs) ->
        printfn "info: %A" info
        printfn "reflected type: %A" info.ReflectedType
        match info with
        | MethodWithReflectedDefinition methodExpr ->
            printfn "%A" methodExpr
        | _ -> failwith "No reflected definition"

    | ShapeVar _ -> failwithf "TODO: %A" expr
    | ShapeLambda _ -> failwithf "TODO: %A" expr
    | ShapeCombination _ -> failwithf "TODO: %A" expr

let test() =
    iterExpr expr

let main argv = 
    0 // return an integer exit code


info: Int32 Foo(Int32)
reflected type: Test+IMyInterface

Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: No reflected definition
   at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.FailWith[T](String message)
   at Test.iterExpr(FSharpExpr expr) in C:\Users\Xiang\Documents\Inbox\TTTT\Program.fs:line 30
   at Test.test() in C:\Users\Xiang\Documents\Inbox\TTTT\Program.fs:line 37
   at Test.main(String[] argv) in C:\Users\Xiang\Documents\Inbox\TTTT\Program.fs:line 41

而且我还用 dotPeek 检查了生成的程序集,它是作为派生类实现的:

  public interface IMyInterface
    int Foo([In] int obj0);

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
  internal sealed class createMyInterface\u004014 : Test.IMyInterface
    public createMyInterface\u004014()
      Test.createMyInterface\u004014 createMyInterface14 = this;

    int Test.IMyInterface.Test\u002DIMyInterface\u002DFoo([In] int obj0)
      return obj0 + 1;

所以,问题是,当我在引用中调用 Foo 方法时,调用模式获取 MethodInfo,它是在没有定义的接口(interface)类型中声明的。那么我怎样才能得到实际的实现 MethodInfo 呢?然后我可以获得实现报价?



  1. 您正在通过定义方法的类型的实例调用虚拟方法。
  2. 您希望引用包含对派生类上定义的方法的调用。


type A() = 
    abstract M : unit -> unit
    default this.M() = printfn "abstract"

type T() =
    inherit A() with
        override this.M() = printfn "override"

let expr =
    let a : A = upcast T()
    <@ a.M() @>


关于f# - 如何获取接口(interface)实例方法的 F# 引用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23989197/


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