c++ - 恢复生命周期已经结束的对象的成员函数协程是UB吗?

标签 c++ language-lawyer c++20 c++-coroutine

这个问题源于这个评论:Lambda lifetime explanation for C++20 coroutines


auto foo() -> folly::coro::Task<int> {
    auto task = []() -> folly::coro::Task<int> {
        co_return 1;
    return task;


“调用”成员函数(在对象的生命周期结束后)是 UB:http://eel.is/c++draft/basic.life#6.2

...any pointer that represents the address of the storage location where the object will be or was located may be used but only in limited ways. [...] The program has undefined behavior if:


-- the pointer is used to access a non-static data member or call a non-static member function of the object, or

  • ()在 lambda 的生命周期仍然有效时调用 lambda 的运算符
  • 然后它被挂起,
  • 然后 lambda 被销毁,
  • 然后成员函数(运算符 () )在之后的某个时间点恢复。

  • 此恢复是否被视为未定义行为?


    [dcl.fct.def.coroutine]p3 :

    The promise type of a coroutine is std::coroutine_traits<R, P1, ..., Pn>::promise_type, where R is the return type of the function, and P1 ... Pn are the sequence of types of the function parameters, preceded by the type of the implicit object parameter (12.4.1) if the coroutine is a non-static member function.


    然而,在成员函数执行期间对象被销毁的情况下,这本身确实很好,除了标准本身在 [basic] 中暗示了这一点之外。 :

    Before the lifetime of an object has started but after the storage which the object will occupy has been allocated or, after the lifetime of an object has ended and before the storage which the object occupied is reused or released, any pointer that represents the address of the storage location where the object will be or was located may be used but only in limited ways. [...]

    void B::mutate() {
      new (this) D2;    // reuses storage --- ends the lifetime of *this
      f();              // undefined behavior
      ... = this;       // OK, this points to valid memory

    (注意:上面的 UB 是因为隐式 this 没有被清洗,仍然是指隐式对象参数。)


    关于c++ - 恢复生命周期已经结束的对象的成员函数协程是UB吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60637770/


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