c++ - 标准库容器和不完整类型的规则是什么?

标签 c++ language-lawyer c++-standard-library incomplete-type


struct S; 
S *p;            // ok, pointer to incomplete types is allowed

std::deque<S> l;  // error, instantiating std::deque with incomplete type is UB
std::deque<S> *p;   // seems to be UB like the previous case, 
                   // but is it ok if p is not used till S is defined?

std::deque<S*> p;   // not really sure about this one
编辑:问题使用了std::list而不是std::deque,但这违背了问题的目的,因为std::list明确地是allowed以使用不完整的类型。 std::deque似乎没有这样的permission


std::deque<S> *p;   // seems to be UB like the previous case, 
                   // but is it ok if p is not used till S is defined?



1 Unless a class template specialization has been explicitly instantiated or explicitly specialized, the class template specialization is implicitly instantiated when the specialization is referenced in a context that requires a completely-defined object type or when the completeness of the class type affects the semantics of the program.


std::deque<S*> p;  // not really sure about this one



5 A class that has been declared but not defined, an enumeration type in certain contexts ([dcl.enum]), or an array of unknown bound or of incomplete element type, is an incompletely-defined object type. Incompletely-defined object types and cv void are incomplete types ([basic.fundamental]). Objects shall not be defined to have an incomplete type.


关于c++ - 标准库容器和不完整类型的规则是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63061188/


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