shell - elisp 解析异步 shell 命令的输出

标签 shell emacs clojure elisp cider

我有一个简单的 elisp 交互函数,用于启动 Clojure repl。

(defun boot-repl ()
  (shell-command "boot repl wait &"))

它打开一个 *Async Sh​​ell Command* 缓冲区,稍后会出现以下文本:

nREPL server started on port 59795 on host - nrepl:// Implicit target dir is deprecated, please use the target task instead. Set BOOT_EMIT_TARGET=no to disable implicit target dir.

我想监视此命令的输出以便能够解析端口(本例中为“59795”)。 即使只是第一行(在没有警告的情况下)也可以。

这样我就可以使用另一个命令连接到等待我的 Clojure REPL。

我不能使用 shell-command-to-string 因为命令不会返回并且它会永远阻止 emacs(boot repl wait 应该持续我的整个编程 session ,可能更多)。

使用 cider 可能很容易做到也有,不过没找到。

那么,如何在 Elisp 中解析异步 bash 命令的结果? 或者,我如何设置 Cider 来为我启动此 REPL 并连接到它?


要直接回答这个问题,您绝对可以使用 start-processset-process-filter 解析异步 shell 命令的输出:

(let ((proc (start-process "find" "find" "find" 
                  (expand-file-name "~") "-name" "*el")))
     (set-process-filter proc (lambda (proc line)
                    (message "process output: %s" line))))

( Docs for filter function )

但是请注意,上面的line不一定是一行,可能包括多行或断行。只要进程或 emacs 决定刷新某些输出,就会调用您的过滤器:

... /home/user/gopath/src/ /home/user/gopath/src/ 处理输出:helper.el



(defun process-filter-line-buffer (real-filter)
 (let ((cum-string-sym (gensym "proc-filter-buff"))
       (newline (string-to-char "\n"))
       (string-indexof (lambda (string char start)
             (loop for i from start below (length string)
                   thereis (and (eq char (aref string i))

   (set cum-string-sym "")
   `(lambda (proc string)
      (setf string (concat ,cum-string-sym string))
      (let ((start 0) new-start)
    (while (setf new-start
            (funcall ,string-indexof string ,newline start))

      ;;does not include newline
      (funcall ,real-filter proc (substring string start new-start))

      (setf start (1+ new-start)));;past newline

    (setf ,cum-string-sym (substring string start))))))


(let* ((test-output "\nREPL server started on port 59795 on host - \nrepl:// Implicit target dir is deprecated, please use the target task instead. Set BOOT_EMIT_TARGET=no to disable implicit target dir.")
     (proc (start-process "echo-test" "echo-test" "echo" test-output)))
 (set-process-filter proc (process-filter-line-buffer
               (lambda (proc line)
                 (when (string-match
                    "REPL server started on port \\([0-9]+\\)"
                   (let ((port (match-string 1 line)))
                 ;;take whatever action here with PORT
                 (message "port found: %s" port)))))))


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