c - "Initializer element is not constant"将对象定义为函数的静态成员时

标签 c constants static-initialization


struct s {
    const int a;

static const struct s *s = &(const struct s) {
    .a = 5

int main(void) {
    (void) s;
    return 0;

但是,如果我们将 s 的定义移动到 main 的主体,即:

struct s {
    const int a;

int main(void) {
    static const struct s *s = &(const struct s) {
        .a = 5
    (void) s;
    return 0;


error: initializer element is not constant
    static const struct s* s = &(const struct s) {

因为在这两种情况下,我们都处理静态(即编译时)初始化,为什么第二个用例是非法的? 有什么方法可以使其在函数上下文中合法吗?

(我已经用 GCC 7.3.0 和 clang 6.0.0 检查过,它们都报告这是一个错误)


根据 C 2018 6.6(“常量表达式”)7:

More latitude is permitted for constant expressions in initializers. Such a constant expression shall be, or evaluate to, one of the following: … an address constant, or…

根据 6.6 9:

An address constant is a null pointer, a pointer to an lvalue designating an object of static storage duration, or a pointer to a function designator…

然后,在“复合文字”)5 中,我们有:

… If the compound literal occurs outside the body of a function, the object has static storage duration; otherwise, it has automatic storage duration associated with the enclosing block.


关于c - "Initializer element is not constant"将对象定义为函数的静态成员时,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60190899/


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