Silverlight JetPack 主题工具包错误

标签 silverlight silverlight-toolkit

从已安装的 JetPack 主题模板创建新的 Silverlight 应用程序后,我尝试按照 App.xaml 文件中提供的有关如何启用 silverlight 工具包控件主题化的说明进行操作,

            <ResourceDictionary Source="Assets/ToolkitStyles.xaml"/>
            To extend this theme to include the toolkit controls:
            1. Install the Silverlight Toolkit for Silverlight 4
            2. Add a Toolkit control to your project from the toolbox. This will add references to toolkit assemblies.
            3. Change the "Build Action" for ToolkitStyles.xaml to "Page"
            4. Uncomment the resource dictionary include above.

            If you do not intend to use toolkit controls, delete this comment and the ToolkitStyles.xaml file.-->

我正确地按照说明进行操作,但项目现在无法编译,这是它抛出的 39 条左右的错误。

我是 Silverlight 的新手(来自 MVC/jQuery),这可能是我正在做的事情。

Error 40 An error occurred while finding the resource dictionary "Assets/ToolkitStyles.xaml". X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\app.xaml 18 17 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 20 Assembly 'System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference. Also, verify that your project and all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1 603 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 19 Assembly 'System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference. Also, verify that your project and all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1 421 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 39 The attachable property 'Effect' was not found in type 'Legend'. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 2204 38 ISMM.SilverlightUI Error 34 The attachable property 'IsFieldGroup' was not found in type 'DataField'. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1738 27 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 31 The attachable property 'LayoutTransform' was not found in type 'LayoutTransformer'. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1619 38 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 13 The property 'IsFieldGroup' does not exist on the type 'Grid' in the XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1738 27 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 11 The tag 'AccordionButton' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1622 38 ISMM.SilverlightUI Error 2 The tag 'ButtonSpinner' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 565 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 3 The tag 'ButtonSpinner' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 665 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 4 The tag 'ButtonSpinner' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 896 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI Error 16 The tag 'EdgePanel' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting.Primitives;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit'. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 2199 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 1 The tag 'ExpandableContentControl' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 365 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI Error 12 The tag 'ExpandableContentControl' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1624 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 9 The tag 'LayoutTransformer' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1455 38 ISMM.SilverlightUI Error 10 The tag 'LayoutTransformer' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1618 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 17 The tag 'Legend' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 2203 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI Error 5 The tag 'LinearClipper' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit'. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 975 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 7 The tag 'ListTimePickerPopup' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1122 22 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 14 The tag 'ResourceDictionaryCollection' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1960 18 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 6 The tag 'TimePickerPopupTemplate' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1121 18 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 8 The tag 'TimeUpDown' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1230 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 15 The tag 'Title' does not exist in XML namespace ''. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 2193 30 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 37 The type 'dvp:EdgePanel' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 2199 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 25 The type 'prim:LinearClipper' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 975 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 32 The type 'toolkit:AccordionButton' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1622 38 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 22 The type 'toolkit:ButtonSpinner' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 565 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 23 The type 'toolkit:ButtonSpinner' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 665 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 24 The type 'toolkit:ButtonSpinner' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 896 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 21 The type 'toolkit:ExpandableContentControl' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 365 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 33 The type 'toolkit:ExpandableContentControl' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1624 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 29 The type 'toolkit:LayoutTransformer' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1455 38 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 30 The type 'toolkit:LayoutTransformer' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1618 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI Error 38 The type 'toolkit:Legend' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 2203 34 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 27 The type 'toolkit:ListTimePickerPopup' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1122 22 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 35 The type 'toolkit:ResourceDictionaryCollection' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1960 18 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 26 The type 'toolkit:TimePickerPopupTemplate' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1121 18 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 28 The type 'toolkit:TimeUpDown' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 1230 26 ISMM.SilverlightUI

Error 36 The type 'toolkit:Title' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built. X:\Projects\ISMM\ISMM.SilverlightUI\Assets\ToolkitStyles.xaml 2193 30 ISMM.SilverlightUI



工具包由许多程序集组成。看起来它想要的其中一些是“System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit”和“System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit”。 DockPanel 是“System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit”或类似工具的一部分,因此当您将 DockPanel 拖入时可能会添加一个。

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