.net - 在 C# 4.0 中为可选参数提供默认值

标签 .net c#-4.0


public class Vehicle
   public string Make {set; get;}
   public int Year {set; get;}

public class VehicleFactory
   //For vehicle, I need to set default values of Make="BMW", Year=2011
   public string FindStuffAboutVehicle(string customer, Vehicle vehicle)
       //Do stuff


你不能,真的。但是,如果您不需要 null 来表示其他任何内容,您可以使用:

public string FindStuffAboutVehicle(string customer, Vehicle vehicle = null)
    vehicle = vehicle ?? new Vehicle { Make = "BMW", Year = 2011 };
    // Proceed as before 

在某些情况下这很好,但这确实意味着您不会发现调用者意外传递 null 的情况。


public string FindStuffAboutVehicle(string customer, Vehicle vehicle)

public string FindStuffAboutVehicle(string customer)
    return FindStuffAboutVehicle(customer, 
                                 new Vehicle { Make = "BMW", Year = 2011 });

Eric Lippert 关于 optional parameters and their corner cases 的帖子也值得一读.

关于.net - 在 C# 4.0 中为可选参数提供默认值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6584615/


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