PHP http_build_url() 和 PECL 安装

标签 php javascript php-extension

我下载了一个使用此 php 函数 http_build_url() 的 API。 每次我运行我的应用程序时,它都会说:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function http_build_url()

我进行了研究,发现我应该安装 pecl_http 来运行该功能。 现在,我将它安装到我的系统中,顺便说一下,我使用的是 Windows XP。我通过 goint 通过 CMD 安装这个到我的 xampp/php 文件夹并运行这个命令:

pecl install pecl_http


ERROR: The DSP pecl_http.dsp does not exist.

这个有变通办法吗?或者任何让 http_build_url() 运行的想法。


有一个变通办法。如果您不想或不能使用 PECL,那么在 评论中提到了一种方法,这是一种替代方法:

if (!function_exists('http_build_url'))
    define('HTTP_URL_REPLACE', 1);              // Replace every part of the first URL when there's one of the second URL
    define('HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH', 2);            // Join relative paths
    define('HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY', 4);           // Join query strings
    define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER', 8);           // Strip any user authentication information
    define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS', 16);          // Strip any password authentication information
    define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_AUTH', 32);          // Strip any authentication information
    define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PORT', 64);          // Strip explicit port numbers
    define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PATH', 128);         // Strip complete path
    define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_QUERY', 256);        // Strip query string
    define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_FRAGMENT', 512);     // Strip any fragments (#identifier)
    define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL', 1024);         // Strip anything but scheme and host

    // Build an URL
    // The parts of the second URL will be merged into the first according to the flags argument. 
    // @param   mixed           (Part(s) of) an URL in form of a string or associative array like parse_url() returns
    // @param   mixed           Same as the first argument
    // @param   int             A bitmask of binary or'ed HTTP_URL constants (Optional)HTTP_URL_REPLACE is the default
    // @param   array           If set, it will be filled with the parts of the composed url like parse_url() would return 
    function http_build_url($url, $parts=array(), $flags=HTTP_URL_REPLACE, &$new_url=false)
        $keys = array('user','pass','port','path','query','fragment');

        // HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL becomes all the HTTP_URL_STRIP_Xs
        if ($flags & HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL)
            $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER;
            $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS;
            $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PORT;
            $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PATH;
            $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_QUERY;
            $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_FRAGMENT;
        else if ($flags & HTTP_URL_STRIP_AUTH)
            $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER;
            $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS;

        // Parse the original URL
        // - Suggestion by Sayed Ahad Abbas
        //   In case you send a parse_url array as input
        $parse_url = !is_array($url) ? parse_url($url) : $url;

        // Scheme and Host are always replaced
        if (isset($parts['scheme']))
            $parse_url['scheme'] = $parts['scheme'];
        if (isset($parts['host']))
            $parse_url['host'] = $parts['host'];

        // (If applicable) Replace the original URL with it's new parts
        if ($flags & HTTP_URL_REPLACE)
            foreach ($keys as $key)
                if (isset($parts[$key]))
                    $parse_url[$key] = $parts[$key];
            // Join the original URL path with the new path
            if (isset($parts['path']) && ($flags & HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH))
                if (isset($parse_url['path']))
                    $parse_url['path'] = rtrim(str_replace(basename($parse_url['path']), '', $parse_url['path']), '/') . '/' . ltrim($parts['path'], '/');
                    $parse_url['path'] = $parts['path'];

            // Join the original query string with the new query string
            if (isset($parts['query']) && ($flags & HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY))
                if (isset($parse_url['query']))
                    $parse_url['query'] .= '&' . $parts['query'];
                    $parse_url['query'] = $parts['query'];

        // Strips all the applicable sections of the URL
        // Note: Scheme and Host are never stripped
        foreach ($keys as $key)
            if ($flags & (int)constant('HTTP_URL_STRIP_' . strtoupper($key)))

        $new_url = $parse_url;

             ((isset($parse_url['scheme'])) ? $parse_url['scheme'] . '://' : '')
            .((isset($parse_url['user'])) ? $parse_url['user'] . ((isset($parse_url['pass'])) ? ':' . $parse_url['pass'] : '') .'@' : '')
            .((isset($parse_url['host'])) ? $parse_url['host'] : '')
            .((isset($parse_url['port'])) ? ':' . $parse_url['port'] : '')
            .((isset($parse_url['path'])) ? $parse_url['path'] : '')
            .((isset($parse_url['query'])) ? '?' . $parse_url['query'] : '')
            .((isset($parse_url['fragment'])) ? '#' . $parse_url['fragment'] : '')


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