scala - 家庭多态性+混合?

标签 scala mixins traits

我有一个类型家族,我想使用 mixin 以模块化方式“丰富”它们。例如:

trait Family {
  self =>
  trait Dog {
    def dogname:String
    def owner:self.Person
  trait Person {
    def name:String
    def pet:self.Dog

trait SerializableFamily extends Family {
  trait Dog extends super.Dog {
    def toSimpleString:String = "Dog(" + dogname + ")"
  trait Person extends super.Person {
    def toSimpleString:String = "Person(" + name + ") and his pet " + pet.toSimpleString

trait SerializableFamily2 extends Family {
  trait Dog extends super.Dog {
    def toLoudString:String = "Dog(" + dogname.toUpperCase + ")"
  trait Person extends super.Person {
    def toLoudString:String = "Person(" + name.toUpperCase + ") and his pet " + pet.toLoudString

但是,上面的方法不起作用(Scala 2.9.1)。最后一个表达式编译失败(pet.toSimpleString)。

这只是我从我尝试过的几种策略中随机选择的一种:自打字、抽象类型、 super [...]等。


val family = new Family with SerializableFamily with TraversableFamily with FooFamily {}

其中每个 mixin 向家族中的一个或多个类型添加一组协作方法。



您的案例中的错误是预料之中的,因为混合中的 DogPerson 不会覆盖 DogFamily 中的 Person,因此 self.Person 仍然指代 Family.Person


trait Family {
  // type DogType = Dog won't work because then two different mixins 
  // have incompatible DogType implementations
  type DogType <: Dog
  type PersonType <: Person

  trait Dog {
    def dogname:String
    def owner:PersonType 
  trait Person {
    def name:String
    def pet:DogType 

trait SerializableFamily extends Family {
  type DogType <: Dog
  type PersonType <: Person

  trait Dog extends super.Dog {
    def toSimpleString:String = "Dog(" + dogname + ")"
  trait Person extends super.Person {
    def toSimpleString:String = "Person(" + name + ") and his pet " + pet.toSimpleString


new Family with SerializableFamily with TraversableFamily with FooFamily {
  type DogType = super[SerializableFamily].Dog with super[TraversableFamily].Dog with super[FooFamily].Dog

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