macros - 在 syntax-case 中绊倒 syntax-quote-unsplicing、template variables 和 ellipses

标签 macros scheme racket


(define count-suits (symbol-map-function hearts diamonds clubs spades))


(define count-suits (λ (#:hearts hearts
                        #:diamonds diamonds
                        #:clubs clubs
                        #:spades spades)
                       (make-hash (cons 'hearts hearts)
                                  (cons 'diamonds diamonds)
                                  (cons 'clubs clubs)
                                  (cons 'spades spades))))

我有 lambda 的主体

(define-syntax (generate-symbol-map stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    (( enumerations ...)
     #'(make-hash (cons (quote enumerations) enumerations) ...))))


(λ (#:hearts hearts
    #:diamonds diamonds
    #:clubs clubs
    #:spades spades)


;; e.g. (weave '(1 3 5 7) '(2 4 6 8)) = '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
;; tested, works.
(define-for-syntax (weave list1 list2)
  (cond ((empty? list1) list2)
        ((empty? list2) list1)
        (else (list* (car list1)
                     (car list2)
                     (weave (cdr list1)
                            (cdr list2))))))

(define-syntax (symbol-map-function stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((sym...ion symbols ...)
     ; What I'm trying to do here is splice the result of weaving the keywords,
     ; generated by format-id, with the symbols themselves, e.g. in the case of
     ; (symbol-map-function foo bar baz):
     ;   #`(λ (#,@(weave '(#:foo #:bar #:baz) '(foo bar baz)))
     ;   --> #`(λ (#,@'(#:foo foo #:bar bar #:baz baz))
     ;   --> #`(λ (#:foo foo #:bar bar #:baz baz)
     ; I am using syntax-unquote-splicing because I am in syntax-quasiquote and the
     ; result of the expression is a list that I want to be spliced into the arguments.
     #`(λ (#,@(weave (list (syntax-e (format-id #'symbols
                                                (syntax-e #'symbols))) ...)
                     (list #'(symbols ...))))
          (generate-symbol-map symbols ...)))))

(list (syntax-e (format-id #'symbols "#:~a"(syntax-e #'symbols))) ...) 是为了导致

(list (syntax-e (format-id #'foo "#:~a" (syntax-e #'foo)))
      (syntax-e (format-id #'bar "#:~a" (syntax-e #'bar)))
      (syntax-e (format-id #'baz "#:~a" (syntax-e #'baz))))



... 不能出现在模板之外,这意味着它们必须出现在 symbols 之前的 #' 部分内。您可以编写 #'(symbols ...) 但不能编写 #'symbols ...

在此之后,您可能想要使用 syntax->list ,它将您的语法对象变成语法对象列表。

此外,您不能使用 format-id生成关键字,因为 format-id 会将结果强制为一个符号,并将生成的 id 包含在管道中:

> (require racket/syntax)
> (format-id #'here "#:~a" 'auie)
#<syntax |#:auie|>

所以你需要使用syntax->datum , symbol->string , 然后 string->keyword在这里做你想做的事。


#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax racket/list))

(define-syntax (foo stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ (sym ...) body ...)
     (with-syntax ([kws (flatten
                         (map (λ(k)
                                   (syntax->datum k)))
                              (syntax->list #'(sym ...))))]
       #'(λ kws body ...))]))

; Test:
((foo (aa bb)
     (list aa bb))
 #:bb 'bbb
 #:aa 'aaa)
; -> '(aaa bbb)

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