typescript - 使用TypeScript,如何强烈键入mysql查询结果

标签 typescript


import mysql2, {Pool} from "mysql2";
const pool: Pool = mysql2.createPool({...}).promise();

interface IUser {
    uid   : number;
    uname : string;

class UserController {

    public async getUser(id: number): Promise<IUser> {
        const [rows]: Array<{rows: IUser}> = await pool.query(
            "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ?",["me@me.org"]);        
        return rows;

TypeScript编译器(3.3.1)提示我的return rows语句。

TS2740: Type '{rows: IUser;}' is missing the following properties from type 'IUser': uid and uname.

如果我忽略// @ts-ignore的返回,那么一切都很好。我把我的物体放回原处,没有任何错误。


    class UserController {

        public async getUser(id: number): Promise<{rows: IUser}> {
            const [rows]: Array<{rows: IUser}> = await pool.query(
                "SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 3");        
            return rows;



当我想到query返回[rows, fields]时,它也开始变得更有意义了。我认为@ joesph-climber经过一些调整后的语法是正确的。

    class UserController {

        public async getUser(id: number): Promise<Array<{rows: IUser}>> {
            const [rows]: [Array<{rows: IUser}>] = await pool.query(
                "SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 3");        
            return rows;

    class UserController {

        public async getUser(id: number): Promise<IUser[]> {
            const [rows]: [IUser[]] = await pool.query(
                "SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 3");        
            return rows;


// the function should return a Promise that resolves to 
{ uid: number, uname: string }

// but typeof rows is 
{ rows: { uid: number, uname: string } }

[ TextRow { uid: 1, uname: 'foo', email: 'foo@mail.com' } ]


Returning multiple users:

class UserController {
    // returns all users
    public async getUsers(): Promise<Array<IUser>> {
        const [rows]: [Array<IUser>] = await pool.query(
                "SELECT * FROM `user`", []);
        return rows; // rows is Array<IUser> so it matches the promise type

Returning a specific user:

class UserController {
    public async getUser(id: number): Promise<IUser> { // Note the 
        const [rows]: [Array<IUser>] = 
            await pool.query("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `email` = ?",
        // If email is unique as it would be expected it will 
        // return a single value inside an array
        // rows is still Array<IUser>
        return rows[0]; // rows[0] is an IUser 

关于typescript - 使用TypeScript,如何强烈键入mysql查询结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54583950/


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