cookies - 如果 Cookie 'Expires/Max-Age' 是 'N/A' 或未设置会发生什么

标签 cookies

我试图增加 cookie 到期时间并激活滑动到期。

但是 cookie 的过期时间仍然是“N/A”

会导致什么问题,为什么过期不显示。在这种情况下,cookie 会发生什么。什么时候到期。

enter image description here


这意味着 cookie 将在 session 结束时过期(当浏览器关闭时,但并非总是如此)。

When user privacy is a concern, It is important that any web app implementation will invalidate cookie data after a certain timeout and won't rely on the browser clearing session cookies.

One of the most beloved features of Firefox prevents session cookies from ever expiring. The same issue is also occuring with google chrome (and probably with other browsers offering similar features)

关于cookies - 如果 Cookie 'Expires/Max-Age' 是 'N/A' 或未设置会发生什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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