JSF <c :if> with different object type

标签 jsf types jstl compare if-statement

我正在尝试比较 JSF 中的两个不同对象。 一个字符串和一个整数,当然不行...

//myVar ==> 整数对象
//myVar2 ==> 字符串

<c:if test="${myVar == myVar2}">

我尝试使用 myVar.toString 但它是错误的。 那怎么办呢?



I'm trying to compare two different object in JSF. A String and an Integer, of cours it don't work...

这听起来不对 - 我会检查这些值。对于 bean :

public class CoercedBean {

  public int getValueAsInt() {
    return 123;

  public String getValueAsString() {
    return "123";


...这些示例表达式的计算结果为 true:

${coercedBean.valueAsInt == coercedBean.valueAsString}
<h:outputText style="color: blue"
    value="#{coercedBean.valueAsInt eq coercedBean.valueAsString}" />

JSP 2.1 (EL) 规范说明了评估相等性:

A {==,!=,eq,ne} B

If A or B is Byte, Short, Character, Integer, or Long coerce both A and B to Long, apply operator

关于JSF <c :if> with different object type,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/965910/


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