php - 调用参数类型与声明的不兼容

标签 php

Phpstorm 有检查:Invocation parameter types are not compatible with declared

令我惊讶的是 php 允许使用基类型作为子类型。

interface Base
    public function getId();

interface Child extends Base


interface SecondChildType extends Base


class ChildImpl implements Child
    public function getId()
        return 1;

class SecondChildTypeImpl implements SecondChildType
    public function getId()
        return 2;

class BaseService
    public function process(Base $base)
        $childService = new ChildService($base);

        return $childService->process($base); //Invocation parameter types are not compatible with declared

class ChildService
    public function process(Child $child)
        return $child->getId();

class InheritanceTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testInterfacesCanUsesAsSubstitute()
        $baseService = new BaseService();
        $this->assertEquals(1, $baseService->process(new ChildImpl()));

     * @expectedException \TypeError
    public function testInterfacesCanUsesAsSubstitute_Exception()
        $baseService = new BaseService();
        $baseService->process(new SecondChildTypeImpl());

为什么先测试通过?为什么 php 允许它?


PhpStorm 警告您,您的代码可能允许将 Base 的实例添加到 BaseService::process,但该实例不是有效的 Child 实例,因此不能传递给 ChildService::process

在您的第一个单元测试中,您提供了 Child 的一个实例,它扩展了 Base,所以它起作用了。

在您的第二个单元测试中,您实际上证明了可能导致 PHP 错误。 PhpStorm 只是提前警告您,您的类型提示允许出现此问题。

如果 BaseService::process总是调用 ChildService::process 就像您现在所做的那样,那么 BaseService::process 应该类型提示其参数也与 ChildService::process 兼容。

我稍微修改了您的代码,重写了一些类名以使其更简单,并删除了 getId 方法。我只想尽可能简单地展示这一点,以帮助您了解正在发生的事情。

interface Base {}
interface Child extends Base {}
interface Base2 extends Base {}

// This class implements Child, which extends Base. So this will meet either requirement.
class Class1 implements Child {}

// This class implements Base2, which extends Base. 
// So this will meet any Base requirement, but NOT a Child requirement
class Class2 implements Base2 {}

class BaseService
     * Problem! We are requiring Base here, but then we pass the same argument to
     * ChildService->process, which requires Child. 
     * 1) Class1 WILL work, since it implements Child which extends Base.
     * 2) Class2 WILL NOT work. Or at least, we can't pass it to ChildService->process
     *    since it only implements Base2 which extends Base. It doesn't implement Child,
     *    therefore ChildService->process won't accept it.
    public function process(Base $base)
        $childService = new ChildService($base);

        return $childService->process($base);

class ChildService
     * I will ONLY receive an instance that implements Child. 
     * Class1 will work, but not Class2.
    public function process(Child $child)
        return $child->getId();

$service = new BaseService();

// I can do this! I'm passing in Child1, which implements Child, which extends Base.
// So it fulfills the initial Base requirement, and the secondary Child requirement.
$service->process(new Child1());

// I can't do this. While BaseService will initially accept it, ChildService will refuse
// it because this doesn't implement the Child interface as required.
$service->process(new Child2());

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