powershell - 如何在 Windows 7 上安装 ScheduledTasks 模块

标签 powershell

是否可以安装this module在不同于 Windows 8 和 Windows Server 2012 的操作系统上附带 PS v3.0++?

我知道所有 PS 替代品,但没有一个像提到的模块(PowerShell Pack 的 TaskScheduler、ScheduledJobs、schtasks 等)那么完整。



你运气不好。见 the explanation here .为了完整起见,我将发布一部分:

The long answer is that you can’t because, for the most part, those modules are based on CIM (WMI) classes that were introduced in Windows 8 or 8.1. A lot of the system management functionality you see in modern Windows is based on CIM classes that then use the CDXML approach to create PowerShell modules. Installing the new CIM classes on Windows 7 is not possible – so you can’t get the modules on which they are based.

关于powershell - 如何在 Windows 7 上安装 ScheduledTasks 模块,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22643753/


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