angularjs - Jasmine - TypeError : Cannot read property 'spyOn' of null

标签 angularjs unit-testing jasmine

我正在为使用 mocha/jasmine 的服务编写单元测试。我的原始服务依赖于 NodeSrv 服务。但是,当我在单元测试中注入(inject)它时,它看起来并没有真正注入(inject)依赖项 NodeSrv 服务。我得到 TypeError: Cannot read property 'spyOn' of null

describe("Label Exists Check Service", function() {
  var LabelExistsCheck;
  var NodeSvc;
  var VipSvc;

  beforeEach(function() {
    return module("main");

  beforeEach(inject(function(_LabelExistsCheck_, _NodeSvc_, _VipSvc_) {
    LabelExistsCheck = _LabelExistsCheck_;
    NodeSvc = _NodeSvc_;
    VipSvc = _VipSvc_;

  describe("It should check if node label exists", function() {
    spyOn(NodeSvc, "getNodes").and.returnValue(["testing1", "foo"]);
    newLabelName = "testing1";
    oldLabelName = "nada";

    devices = NodeSvc.getNodes();
    deviceExist =  devices.some(function(element) {
      if (newLabelName == element) {
        return true

    //spyOn(form, "$setValidity");

    it("node label should already exist and call set form", function() {


尝试了以下并得到了 TypeError: Cannot read property 'returnValue' of undefined:

describe("Label Exists Check Service", function() {
  var LabelExistsCheck;
  var NodeSvc;
  var VipSvc;

  beforeEach(function() {
    return module("main");

  beforeEach(inject(function(_LabelExistsCheck_, _NodeSvc_, _VipSvc_) {
    LabelExistsCheck = _LabelExistsCheck_;
    NodeSvc = _NodeSvc_;
    VipSvc = _VipSvc_;

  beforeEach(function() {
    spyOn(NodeSvc, "getNodes").and.returnValue(["testing1", "foo"]);

  it("It should check if node label exists", function() {
    newLabelName = "testing1";
    oldLabelName = "nada";

    devices = NodeSvc.getNodes();
    deviceExist =  devices.some(function(element) {
      if (newLabelName == element) {
        return true

    //spyOn(form, "$setValidity");



.andReturn 的旧语法似乎可以代替。不确定我的系统有什么问题,因为我曾经/仍在使用 Jasmine 2.0。

更新:在测试配置中...即使未安装 jasmine < 2,我也需要指定 jasmine2

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