regex - 将城市名称和地理位置数据添加到数据框

标签 regex r geolocation maps

我有一个包含超过 20.000 个观察值的数据集,基本上看起来像这样:

df <- data.frame(
    user = c("ABC", "DEF", "GHI"),
    location = c("Chicago, the windy city", "Oxford University", "Paris")

我想添加另外三个列 citylonglat 并用城市名称和地理位置(经度)填充这些列和纬度)。

因此我想到使用 maps 包及其 world.cities 数据库:


如果 location 中的城市名称能够以正确的方式显示,添加城市名称和地理位置并不困难。然而,它们中的大多数确实有额外的字符串(例如“芝加哥,风城”)。

我如何根据 world.cities 数据库提取城市名称并将真实城市名称写入列 city 并将地理位置写入 long lat?


正如@Heroka 在评论中提到的,如果城市名称始终是 location 中的第一个字符串,您可以使用 stringi 提取第一个字符串, left_join world.cities 数据,并过滤匹配中最大的人口。


df %>%
  mutate(city = stri_extract_first_words(location)) %>%
  left_join(world.cities, by = c("city" = "name")) %>%
  group_by(city) %>%
  filter(row_number(desc(pop)) == 1)


#Source: local data frame [3 x 8]
#Groups: city [3]
#    user                location    city country.etc     pop   lat   long capital
#  (fctr)                  (fctr)   (chr)       (chr)   (int) (dbl)  (dbl)   (int)
#1    ABC Chicago, the windy city Chicago         USA 2830144 41.84 -87.68       0
#2    DEF       Oxford University  Oxford          UK  157568 51.76  -1.26       0
#3    GHI                   Paris   Paris      France 2141839 48.86   2.34       1


如果城市名称并不总是 location 中的第一个字符串,您可以先尝试将 location 中的单词与字典匹配(这里是 world.cities 中的 >name 列),然后使用返回 TRUE 的匹配项作为您的位置名称。这是一个快速实现(我将“伦敦大学学院”案例添加到您的 data.frame 中)

> df
#  user                  location
#1  ABC   Chicago, the windy city
#2  DEF         Oxford University
#3  GHI                     Paris
#4  JKL University College London

对于每一行,我们提取 location 中的所有单词并将它们存储在列表 lst 中,遍历它以找到匹配的 name 的位置world.cities中的存入p,最后提取lst中位置p对应的元素存入城市

df %>%
  mutate(lst = stri_extract_all_words(location),
         p = sapply(lst, function (x) which(x %in% world.cities$name), simplify=TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(city = sapply(1:length(lst), function(x) .$lst[[x]][.$p[x]])) %>%
  left_join(world.cities, by = c("city" = "name")) %>%
  group_by(city) %>%
  filter(row_number(desc(pop)) == 1) 

您还可以通过添加 ... %>% select(-lst, -p) 来删除临时列 plst

更新 2


df %>%
    city = lapply(stri_extract_all_words(location), 
                  function (x) { world.cities$name[match(x, world.cities$name)] })) %>%
  tidyr::unnest(city) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  left_join(world.cities, by = c("city" = "name")) %>%
  group_by(city) %>%
  filter(row_number(desc(pop)) == 1)

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> df
#  user                  location
#1  ABC   Chicago, the windy city
#2  DEF         Oxford University
#3  GHI                     Paris
#4  JKL                  New York
#5  MNO                  m0ntr3al
#6  PQR University College London

df$l <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]+", " ", df$location)
lst  <- lapply(world.cities$name, function (x) { grep(x, df$l, value = TRUE) })
m    <- data.table::melt(lst)

df %>% 
  left_join(m, by = c("l" = "value")) %>%
  left_join(world.cities %>% 
              add_rownames %>% 
              mutate(rowname = as.numeric(rowname)), 
            by = c("L1" = "rowname")) %>% 
  tidyr::replace_na(list(pop = 0)) %>%
  group_by(location) %>%
  filter(row_number(desc(pop)) == 1) %>%


#Source: local data frame [6 x 8]
#Groups: location [6]
#    user                  location     name country.etc     pop   lat   long capital
#  (fctr)                    (fctr)    (chr)       (chr)   (dbl) (dbl)  (dbl)   (int)
#1    ABC   Chicago, the windy city  Chicago         USA 2830144 41.84 -87.68       0
#2    DEF         Oxford University   Oxford          UK  157568 51.76  -1.26       0
#3    GHI                     Paris    Paris      France 2141839 48.86   2.34       1
#4    JKL                  New York New York         USA 8124427 40.67 -73.94       0
#5    MNO                  m0ntr3al       NA          NA       0    NA     NA      NA
#6    PQR Univeristy College London   London          UK 7489022 51.52  -0.10       1

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