github - 在github上打开时如何更改Visual Studio的版本

标签 github visual-studio-2017 visual-studio-2019 protocol-handler

我有 VS2015 和 VS2017。当我在 GitHub 上选择“在 Visual Studio 中打开”时,我想将其更改为使用 VS2017 而不是 VS2015。



通过不同的问题找到答案:Workaround for "Visual Studio Web Request handler could not be found" when using github?

The solution is easy: just reassign the default handler for the git-client protocol. To do that, press the Windows-Key, enter "default apps" and select the settings page. Go down, select "Choose default apps by protocol" and look for "git-client". Click and select the Microsoft Visual Studio Web Protocol Handler Selector for VS2017.

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