elisp - 从 Emacs 缓冲区中提取 URL?

标签 elisp

如何编写 Emacs Lisp 函数来查找 HTML 文件中的所有 href 并提取所有链接?


 <a href="http://www.stackoverflow.com" _target="_blank">StackOverFlow</a>
 <h1>Emacs Lisp</h1>
 <a href="http://news.ycombinator.com" _target="_blank">Hacker News</a>


http://news.ycombinator.com|Hacker News


(defun extra-urls (file)
 (setq buffer (...
        (re-search-forward "http://" nil t)
        (when (match-string 0)


我采用了 Heinzi 的解决方案,并提出了我需要的最终解决方案。我现在可以获取文件列表,提取所有 URL 和标题,并将结果放在一个输出缓冲区中。

(defun extract-urls (fname)
 "Extract HTML href url's,titles to buffer 'new-urls.csv' in | separated format."
  (setq in-buf (set-buffer (find-file fname))); Save for clean up
  (beginning-of-buffer); Need to do this in case the buffer is already open
  (setq u1 '())
      (re-search-forward "^.*<a href=\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"[^>]+>\\([^<]+\\)</a>" nil t)

      (when (match-string 0)            ; Got a match
        (setq url (match-string 1) )    ; URL
        (setq title (match-string 2) )  ; Title
        (setq u1 (cons (concat url "|" title "\n") u1)) ; Build the list of URLs
  (kill-buffer in-buf)          ; Don't leave a mess of buffers
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "new-urls.csv"); Send results to new buffer
      (mapcar 'insert u1))
    (switch-to-buffer "new-urls.csv"); Finally, show the new buffer

;; Create a list of files to process
(mapcar 'extract-urls '(

关于elisp - 从 Emacs 缓冲区中提取 URL?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642184/


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