mercurial - mercurial中书签的目的是什么?

标签 mercurial

我读到了 mercurial 中的书签,每个来源都说它就像 git 分支,每次提交都会更新书签,但我真的不明白它的目的是什么。任何指导将不胜感激。谢谢。


来自 the Mercurial wiki :

Bookmarks are references to commits that are automatically updated when new commits are made. If you do hg bookmark feature the feature bookmark refers to the current changeset. As you work and commit changes the bookmark will move forward with every commit you do. The bookmark will always point to the latest revision in your line of work. Since bookmarks are automatically updated when committing to the changeset they are pointing to, they are especially useful to keep track of different heads. They can therefore be used for trying out new features or pulling changes that have yet to be reviewed.

我还建议阅读 this article有关在 Mercurial 中分支的各种方法的概述。

我建议不要使用书签并试图找到它们的用途,而是找到一个您认为在您的团队中自然使用的流程,然后找到 Mercurial 在该流程的上下文中如何最好地处理分支,无论是使用书签还是克隆或者你有什么。

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