julia - Julia 中的 Visual Basic "with block"等效项?

标签 julia

我知道在各种编程语言中都有一种 block 语法来简化对对象的字段有太多引用的表达式

例如在 VB 中,可以使用 with block 并带有以下描述:

By using With...End With, you can perform a series of statements on a specified object without specifying the name of the object multiple times. Within a With statement block, you can specify a member of the object starting with a period, as if the With statement object preceded it.

我想在 Julia 中做这样的事情:

With theCustomer
    .Name = "Coho Vineyard"
    .URL = "http://www.cohovineyard.com/"
    .City = "Redmond"
End With

或者也许: @With data .a=.b+c*d

在 Julia 中是否有等效的 With block ?



let c = theCustomer
    c.Name = "Coho Vineyard"
    c.URL = "http://www.cohovineyard.com/"
    c.City = "Redmond"


关于julia - Julia 中的 Visual Basic "with block"等效项?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33228762/


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