command-line - Windows 批处理错误 : "' ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file."

标签 command-line batch-file cmd command-line-arguments

我正在尝试在 Windows 中运行此命令:

ping -n 5 > nul

'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable 
program or batch fie. 

为什么windows找不到ping? 这是我的脚本不起作用的地方:

::set path
SET path=M:\\5.bmp

IF EXIST %path% (
    ECHO File found
) ELSE (
    ECHO File not found
    ping -n 5 > nul
    goto findfile


您已覆盖 PATH环境变量,因此命令处理器无法再找到 ping可执行。

修复既好又简单 - 只需使用不同的变量名称!

:: set path
SET MyPath=M:\\5.bmp

IF EXIST %MyPath% (

请注意,如果您真的想设置 path环境变量,你应该像这样附加到它:
REM Set temporarily for this session
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Some\Folder

REM Set permanently (but note - this change will not be made to this session)
SETX PATH=%PATH%;C:\Some\Folder

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