elixir - get_in 用于 elixir 中的嵌套列表和结构

标签 elixir


s = [
  a: %Bla{
   b: "c"

get_in(s, [:a, :b])

但它并非旨在从结构中获取值(value)。是否有任何类似物可以让我获取 c从带有嵌套结构的列表中?


documented , get_in默认情况下不适用于结构:

The Access syntax (foo[bar]) cannot be used to access fields in structs, since structs do not implement the Access behaviour by default. It is also design decision: the dynamic access lookup is meant to be used for dynamic key-value structures, like maps and keywords, and not by static ones like structs.

  • 实现 Access您的结构的行为。
  • 使用 Access.key(:foo)而不是 :foo .

  • 我会使用(2):
    iex(1)> defmodule Bla do
    ...(1)>   defstruct [:b]
    ...(1)> end
    iex(2)> s = [a: %Bla{b: "c"}]
    [a: %Bla{b: "c"}]
    iex(3)> get_in(s, [:a, Access.key(:b)])

    关于elixir - get_in 用于 elixir 中的嵌套列表和结构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39855454/


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