r - 将满足所有可能条件的条件的所有值相加

标签 r data.table


a <- data.table(color=c("Red","Blue","Red","Green","Red","Blue","Blue"), count=c(1,2,6,4,2,1,1),include=c(1,1,1,1,0,0,1))

> a
     color count include
[1,]   Red     1       1
[2,]  Blue     2       1
[3,]   Red     6       1
[4,] Green     4       1
[5,]   Red     2       0
[6,]  Blue     1       0
[7,]  Blue     1       1

我想创建一个新的 data.table,它只有唯一的颜色值,以及每个匹配 include=1 的计数列的总和,如下所示:

     colour total
[1,]   Red     7
[2,]  Blue     2
[3,] Green     4  


> a[,include == 1,list(total=sum(count)),by=colour]
Error in `[.data.table`(a, , include == 1, list(quantity = sum(count)),  : 
  Provide either 'by' or 'keyby' but not both

a 没有键,而当它有 colour 键时,会收到同样的错误消息。我也尝试过,将键设置为 colour,如下所示:

> a[,include == 1,list(quantity=sum(count))]
Error in `[.data.table`(a, , include == 1, list(quantity = sum(count))) : 
  Each item in the 'by' or 'keyby' list must be same length as rows in x (7): 1




a <- data.table(color=c("Red","Blue","Red","Green","Red","Blue","Blue"), count=c(1,2,6,4,2,1,1),include=c(1,1,1,1,0,0,1))
a[include == 1, list(total=sum(count)), keyby = color]

   color total
1:  Blue     3
2: Green     4
3:   Red     7


或者如果 include 取(仅)值 01 那么:

a[, list(total=sum(count*include)), keyby = color]

或者如果 include 包含其他值则:

a[, list(total=sum(count*(include==1))), keyby = color]

可能需要考虑 NA

通过避免向量扫描 i 可能会更有效,但这在很大程度上取决于数据大小和属性。这些只需要与最大组一样大的工作内存,而 i 中的 include==1 需要至少分配一个向量,只要 nrow(a).

关于r - 将满足所有可能条件的条件的所有值相加,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11935728/


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