f# - 在 F# : "No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute ..." 中安装 Windows 服务

标签 f# windows-services

我正在尝试安装用 F# 编写的 Windows 服务,但在运行 installutil 时不断收到以下消息:

No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be found in the C:\path\to\service\myservice.exe assembly.

Windows 服务安装程序代码如下。请注意,错误消息声称缺少的两件事实际上都存在:

  • ProjectInstaller 是公开的。
  • ProjectInstaller 使用 RunInstaller(true) 属性进行标记/修饰。


module Project.WindowsService.Installer

open System.Configuration.Install
open System.ComponentModel
open System.ServiceProcess

type public ProjectInstaller () as installer =
    inherit Installer()

    // Define the process settings
    let processInstaller =
        new ServiceProcessInstaller(
            Account  = ServiceAccount.LocalSystem,
            Password = null,
            Username = null)

    // Define the service settings
    let serviceInstaller =
        new ServiceInstaller(
            ServiceName = "Project.WindowsService",
            DisplayName = "My Service",
            Description = "Blah. Blah, blah, blah. And, of course, blah.",
            StartType   = ServiceStartMode.Automatic)

        // Define the installers
        [| processInstaller :> Installer
           serviceInstaller :> Installer |]
        |> installer.Installers.AddRange


事实证明,将 ProjectInstaller 放入模块中是一个问题:由于某种原因,installutil 无法找到它。


module Project.WindowsService.Installer


namespace Project.WindowsService

关于f# - 在 F# : "No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute ..." 中安装 Windows 服务,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31123025/


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