cassandra - 在 cassandra 中何时使用十进制与浮点/ double ?

标签 cassandra datastax

我正在使用 apache cassandra 3.x 版本。我对什么时候应该使用小数和浮点类型感到有些困惑?

Is there any specific use-cases/differences when should go for float or avoid decimal and vice-versa?



来自本书学习 Apache Cassandra 马特·布朗:

Cassandra has three types that store non-integer numbers:

  • The float type stores 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point numbers.
  • The double type stores 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point numbers.
  • The decimal type stores variable-precision decimal numbers, with no upper bound on size. Unlike a floating point number, a variable-precision decimal will never suffer from base 10 rounding errors in the fractional part of the number.

但与其他两个相比,十进制可能会占用更多空间。所以,如果是精度问题,你可以去decimal .否则,float/double在大多数情况下都足够好。

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