.net - 在SQL Server中还原数据库失败

标签 .net sql sql-server powershell

我已经编写了一个PowerShell脚本,以使用lite speed控制台备份我的数据库。


现在我想还原它们,因此我再次使用lite speed还原它。


RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
The tail of the log for the database "AK4432_JIM1" has not been backed up. Use BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY to backup the log if it contains work you do not want to lose. Use the WITH REPLACE or WITH STOPAT clause of the RESTORE statement to just overwrite the contents of the log.



"Incorrect syntax near 'C:\Users\ak4432\Desktop\PS\Backup2'.
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon."
At C:\Users\ak4432\Desktop\PS\BackUpAndRollBackScript.ps1:49 char:29
+ $cmd.ExecuteNonQuery <<<< ()
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DotNetMethodException


function Get-ScriptDirectory
  $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
  Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path

function SendEmail($to, $subject, $body, $from, $attachLogFilePath,$attachErrorFilePath) 
  $to= "egalitarian@xyz.com"
  send-mailmessage -from $from  -to $to -subject $subject -body $body  -smtpServer "zsserver3.zs.local" -Attachments $attachLogFilePath,$attachErrorFilePath

function PutDbOffline($connectionString,$databaseName,$logFilePath,$dbBackUpFolder,$serverName,$processName, $processPath, $processArguments, $onError, $backup)
  # connect to Db and then get the DB offline 
  $connection = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString)
  $sqlQuery = "USE MASTER; EXEC sp_dboption N`'" + $databaseName + "`' , N`'offline`', N`'true`'"
  $cmd = new-object "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand" ($sqlQuery, $connection)

function Restore($connectionString,$databaseName,$logFilePath,$dbBackUpFolder,$serverName,$processName, $processPath, $processArguments, $onError, $backup)
   $combinedProcessPath= Join-Path $processPath $processName

   #dump the output to a log file
   $logFileName =  $processName + $databaseName
   $logFileName+= "_"
   $logFileName += "{0:MMddyyyy-HH mm}" -f (Get-Date) 
   $combinedLogFilePath = Join-Path ($logFilePath) ($logFileName)
   $combinedErrorLogFilePath = $combinedLogFilePath + "_error"
   $dbBackUpFile = $databaseName + ".BAK"
   $databaseBackUpPath = Join-Path ($dbBackUpFolder) ($dbBackUpFile)

   $processArguments =  "" 

   if($backup -eq "Yes")
        $connection = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString)

        $sqlQuery = "BACKUP LOG " + $databaseName + " TO N `'" + $dbBackUpFolder + "`'  WITH NORECOVERY ;" 
        $cmd = new-object "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand" ($sqlQuery, $connection)
        $processArguments = " -S " + $serverName + " -T -B Database -D " + $databaseName + " -F `""+ $databaseBackUpPath + "`"" 
      #  PutDbOffline $connectionString $databaseName $logFilePath $dbBackUpFolder $serverName $processName, $processPath $processArguments $onError  $backup

        $processArguments = " -S " + $serverName +  " -R  DataBase -D " + $databaseName + " -F `"" + $databaseBackUpPath + "`"" 

   $process = Start-Process -PassThru -Filepath $combinedProcessPath -WorkingDirectory $processPath -ArgumentList $processArguments -RedirectStandardOutput $combinedLogFilePath -RedirectStandardError $combinedErrorLogFilePath -wait -NoNewWindow

   if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0)
       $mailSubject = "[02SS Back Up Status] " + $processName + " failed on "  + $serverName
       $body = "Process Failed, Exited with Code - " + $process.ExitCode + ". See attached files for details."  

       if($onError -eq "Break")
          $body = $body + " Breaking from the power shell script."
          SendEmail "" $mailSubject $body "O2SSConversion@zsassociates.com" $combinedLogFilePath  $combinedErrorLogFilePath 
          return  "FAILED"
          SendEmail "" $mailSubject $body "O2SSConversion@zsassociates.com" $combinedLogFilePath  $combinedErrorLogFilePath 
       $mailSubject = "[02SS Back Up Status] " + $processName + " ran successfully on "  + $serverName
       $body = "Process Successful, Exited with Code - " + $process.ExitCode + ". See attached files for details."  
       SendEmail "" $mailSubject $body "O2SSConversion@zsassociates.com" $combinedLogFilePath  $combinedErrorLogFilePath 

# Load the XML FILE 
$sourceFile = Join-Path (Get-ScriptDirectory) ("BackUpAndRollBackConfiguration.xml")
$xDoc = new-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument

# Get settings to connect to DB  
$serverName = $xDoc.selectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/ServerName").get_InnerXml()
$databaseName = $xDoc.selectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/Database").get_InnerXml()
$userName = $xDoc.selectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/UserName").get_InnerXml()
$password = $xDoc.selectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/Password").get_InnerXml()
$logFilePath = $xDoc.selectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/logFilePath").get_InnerXml()
$dbBackUpFolder = $xDoc.selectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/DatabaseBackUpFolder").get_InnerXml()
#Create connection string
$connectionString = "server=" + $serverName + ";Database=" + $databaseName +";uid=" + $userName + ";pwd=" + $password

#Get Settings to decide whether its a RollBack or BackUp
$backup = $xDoc.selectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/BackUp").get_InnerXml()

#Declare an array to hold DB names .. Being populated later
$dbIdentifiers =@()

# Get the Process Parameter from File

$onError = ""

$processes = $xDoc.selectnodes("/configuration/processes/process")
foreach ($process in $processes) {

    $onError = $process.selectSingleNode("OnError").get_InnerXml()    


if($backup -eq "No")
$returnType = Restore $connectionString $databaseName $logFilePath $dbBackUpFolder $serverName $processName $processPath $processArguments $onError $backup
if ($returnType -eq "FAILED")

#Migrate the Master Db And Scn Dbs Now

# Connect to Db and then get the SCN Db Identifier

            $Table = new-object System.Data.DataTable
            $sqlConn = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString)
            $adapter = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT DBIDENTIFIER FROM SCENARIOS",$sqlConn)
            # Populate the db Identifer Array to include  master Db and SCN Db.
            if($backup -eq "Yes")
              $dbIdentifiers += , $databaseName
            foreach ($row in $Table) 
             $dbIdentifiers+= , $row.DBIDENTIFIER

            foreach ($dbIdentifier in $dbIdentifiers) {

            $returnType =  Restore $connectionString $dbIdentifier $logFilePath $dbBackUpFolder $serverName $processName $processPath $processArguments $onError $backup
            if ($returnType -eq "FAILED")



It says the log has to be backed up. (Why should I back up the log ???)

这是一项安全功能。 SQL Server认为您正在使用同一个数据库的过去备份覆盖实时生产数据库,因此它希望您首先备份日志的尾部以捕获自上次事务日志备份以来发生的所有事务。

这是instructions from Microsoft on backing up the tail of the log.

您还可以通过先删除数据库然后进行还原,或者在还原中使用WITH REPLACE来避免这种情况,这告诉SQL Server您完全用其他东西覆盖了该数据库。

关于.net - 在SQL Server中还原数据库失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5801866/


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